Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 107

UDC: 338.436.33
GSNTI: 06.71.07

The concept of a crop production digital cluster model forming for Agro-Industrial Complex

The modern agricultural sector is characterized by high economic processes dynamism caused by the active development of information and communication technologies and increased competition. To ensure the economic development and competitiveness of agro-industrial production, economically sound strategic decisions are required that involve the transition to a qualitatively new development model. The goal is to develop a concept for the crop production digital cluster model formation, integrated with participants in business processes in the agro-industrial complex. The solution of this issue is based on the use of modern tools of economic and mathematical modeling. The work also uses such research methods as generalization and synthesis, system analysis, modeling and optimization. A conceptual scheme for the crop production digital cluster model formation in the agro-industrial complex is proposed with the rationale for possible options for modifying its elements. Various approaches to the formation and development of cluster formations are analyzed. The key requirements for the formation and development of clusters have been identified: financial support through the mechanism of public-private partnership; availability of a cluster strategy for the region; platform solutions that ensure prompt and secure interaction of all participants in a variety of formats, a significant reduction in transaction costs. The necessity of forming a crop production digital cluster model is substantiated from the standpoint of various aspects that take into account the specifics of the industry, the features of business processes in crop production and the trends in the digital transformation of the agro-industrial business. A conceptual scheme for the formation of a crop production digital cluster model is proposed, the implementation of which is aimed at making informed management decisions in real time. The practical significance of the study lies in the development of an economic-mathematical model of the crop cluster based on a formal-logical approach with the identification of its elements possible modifications, the implementation of which allows you to determine the elements of the cluster being formed by assessing their functioning and the functional structure of the cluster.
Keywords: Agro-industrial potential of the region, digital transformation, digital potential, resources, indicators.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-107-42-47


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  1. Timirgaleeva Rena Rinatovna, DSc in Economics, professor, FSBIS “Research Institute of Agriculture of the Crimea”; FSBEI HE “Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky”.
  2. Verdysh Mikhail Valerievich, PhD in Economics, senior researcher, FSBIS “Research Institute of Agriculture of the Crimea”.