Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

The scientific journal "Proceedings of the Kuban State Agrarian University" publishes the results of original scientific research, as well as relevant analytical reviews in Russian (the last – to-order edition).

In the case of the provision of publications in foreign (European) languages, the authors are required to submit proof of verification of the text by a native speaker with his / her name and contact infor- mation.

The following information should be provided in Russian and English: UDC and SRSTI indexes (specified to the narrow field of research), the title, author’s name /authors’ names (surname, name, pat- ronymic), place of work, position and academic degree, e-mail/e-mails, key words, abstract, references. Editorial staff maintains contact with the authors by e-mail and is not responsible for late responses of the authors to the letter. The provided contact information must be up to date! The material in the article should be presented in a structured way and highlight for the following sections: introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusions. Articles should include tables and figures (2 and more). Publication undergraduates and graduate students are encouraged to prepare in collaboration with super- visors and other reputable scientists, the acknowledged experts in the relevant field of knowledge. The article should contain an abstract in Russian and English languages. The volume should be of 200-250 words, but no more than 2000 characters. The abstract should not begin with the repetition of the article title! It is required to highlight the study's purpose, methods, results (preferably with bringing quantitative data), to formulate conclusions. The annotations breakdown to the paragraphs and the use of introducto- ry words and phrases are not allowed.

The original bibliography (literature) is duplicated in Latin under the heading References, wherein the references cited in the original list of literature in Latin script are not to be changed, and in Cyrillic – to be translated into English. It is recommended to use the translation given in the original publication or its official translated version (if available). Titles of periodicals are not translated, but transliterated from Russian and other languages using the Cyrillic graphics, titles of books are translated. At the end of the bibliographic description of the source the original language should be indicated, for example, [in Rus- sian], [in Ukrainian]. As a sample, it is recommended to consult the publications of the journal, issued previously according to the requirements of AGRIS (from No. 5 in 2013). It should be bared in mind that the most scientifically relevant domestic documents strictly for agricultural and forestry issues (Gen- eral agriculture, agricultural Economics, crop production, plant protection, animal husbandry, veterinary science, post-harvest technology, food processing industry, fish farming and aquaculture, pollution and environmental protection, forestry, agricultural machinery and engineering and technical support of agri- culture, human nutrition) issued on the territory of our country (irrespective of the place of residence of the authors work) are selected for AGRIS DB. National AGRIS center has the right to reject articles that do not meet the level or technical requirements according to the imposed criteria.

All submitted papers will be checked for originality. Articles with low originality are sent to authors for revision. In this regard, authors are strongly encouraged to independently use the "Antiplagiat" system for preliminary evaluation of the level of originality of their works. When submitting a manuscript, it is re- quired to submit written in any form consent to the processing of personal data, signed by ALL authors of the article (the sample will be presented on the journal's website).

A brief abstract in Russian and English without abbreviations (5-6 lines) must also be attached for placement at the end of the room and on the journal's website.

The recommended article size is 10-12 A4 pages, text editor Microsoft Word format*. doc or *rtf font Times New Roman Cyr, 14 pt, one and a half interval, all margins 25 mm). All references to sources in the text are enclosed in square brackets indicating the number of references, the list generated in alpha- betical-chronological order, is placed at the end of the article. The text is signed by the author (authors). A larger volume of the article is taken as an exception and that needs to be discussed with the editors.

Latin names of genera and species should be italicized. Formula should only be done in Microsoft Equation (3.0). Contour drawings (black and white) and pictures (gray scale) are allowed. Color illustra- tions are provided only in the electronic version of the journal.

The list of references should be in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record. Citation". “Proceedings of the Kuban State Agrarian University” is a CrossRef member. It is required by CrossRef to include DOI links for cited papers that have DOI.

Information about the author (authors), place of work, academic degree, academic title, field of re- search (specialty code according to the nomenclature of scientific workers), contact information: email address (required!), numbers, e-mail address should be given on a separate page. The editorial Board is not responsible for late publication of the article, if it is impossible operative contact with the authors or failure to observe the terms of the contract on the publication. Manuscripts undergo a mandatory peer review by independent experts and members of the Editorial Board. The article is accompanied by a certified review (compiled on the subject of research by doctor of Sciences) and the expert opinion of a member of the editorial Board in the direction of research (compiled in the journal edition). Proofreading is not available to the authors.

The manuscript is transmitted to the journal in printed and in electronic form (on a CD). Provision of materials by e-mail is possible only upon agreement with the editors. Failure to do any of the foregoing paragraphs of article is not considered. The article's content is the responsibility of the author (authors). The submitted materials will not be returned. The fees are not paid. Payment for publication should be made only after acceptance of the article for printing and signing the contract to publication. The gradu- ate students’ articles are published free of charge (if there is a certificate about studying in graduate school, certified in the prescribed manner).

Dear authors and readers! We invite you to subscribe to our magazine. Subscription index – 20796. Editorial Board

The journal editor’s address: FSEI HPE Kuban SAU, Academic building for Plant Protection Departmen dean’s office 311. Kalinin st., 350044, Krasnodar.

Editorial address:

FSBEI HE Kuban SAU,350044, Kalinina St., 13, Krasnodar, Russian Federation,
plant protection building, office 311.
Phone: +7(861)244-32-47.
E-mail: workskubagro@kubsau.ru, proceedings_kubsau@mail.ru.