Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 107

UDC: 636.22/28.082
GSNTI: 68.39.13,68.39.29

Influence of different factors on Simmental cows productivity and longevity

The studies were carried out on Simmental cows bred in 29 farms in 14 regions of Russia. The total number of livestock was 55,614 cows, whose fathers were 2255 sires. The research period covered 23 years (1998-2020). To study the influence of different factors on lifelong productivity and longevity use of Simmental cows, we used multivariate analysis of variance, which was carried out using the RStudio program. As a result of the studies, it was revealed that paratypical factors have a greater impact on the productive longevity of Simmental cows, since in total they amounted to 27.8-28.4% (at P<0.001) of lifelong productivity and 33.1-33.7 % (at P<0.001) on longevity expectancy of a cow in the herd. While the influence of the sire (genetic factor) is only 8.1-8.3% (at P<0.001) and 6.7-7.3% (at P<0.001), respectively. The greatest significant influence on lifelong productivity is exerted by the year of birth a cow 17.1-17.8% (at P<0.001), and the minimum effect is the year of the cows first calving 2.7-2.9% (at P<0.001). It has been established that the country of origin the bulls (Russian or foreign selection) has a minimal impact on the lifelong productivity of daughters - 0.10-0.20% (at P<0.001), while the sire has a more significant effect on both the lifelong productivity (20.8-21.0%, at P<0.001), and longevity of daughters (19.9-20.3%, at P<0.001).
Keywords: Simmental breed, analysis of variance, lifelong productivity, longevity.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-107-208-213


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  1. Ignatieva Larisa Pavlovna, Candidat Agr. Sci., Leading Researcher, FSBSI “Federal Research Center for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member L.K. Ernst”.