Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 106

UDC: 657(045)
GSNTI: 06.35.01

Disclosure of reporting information by public sector organizations in the ESG format and its features in the agro-industrial complex of Russia

The purpose of the article is to study problem areas and develop recommendations for the disclosure of reporting information in the ESG format by public sector organizations, taking into account the specifics of their activity areas and the urgent tasks of developing the Russian economy. The research hypothesis is as follows - the level of disclosure of reporting information in the ESG format by public sector organizations is at a rather low level that does not meet modern challenges and requirements for organizations in this sector, as well as the opportunities provided to them by the current regulatory legal acts, which requires the development of appropriate methodological approaches. During the research, the following methods were used: deduction and induction, logical and structural analysis, empirical research methods, content analysis. Based on a detailed analysis of national regulatory requirements, identifying features and types of public sector organizations that have features of disclosing non-financial reporting information are identified. The paper reviews the provisions of Russian legislation regarding the disclosure of non-financial information in public reporting for various economic entities of the public sector and concludes that it needs to be further developed by analogy with the requirements of financial reporting standards. An analysis of domestic practice in the field of public reporting confirmed the hypothesis of a low level of information disclosure in the context of ESG factors by public sector organizations compared to corporate sector companies in a similar field. A downward trend in the level of information disclosure has been revealed both in the corporate and public sectors, decreasing along the movement vector from factor E (the highest) to factor G (the lowest). The specifics of the ESG-information disclosure by the agro-industrial complex organizations of Russia, which consists in shifting the attention focus to environmental and social risks, are determined. Recommendations are formulated for detailing the material topics disclosure in terms of social responsibility (S-factor) and an approach is proposed for the material topics formation for the G-factor “Contribution to public administration”.
Keywords: ESG factors, sustainable development, non-financial reporting, public sector organizations, information disclosure, agro-industrial complex.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-106-24-35


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  1. Bulyga Roman Petrovich, DSc in Economics, professor, Department leader, Financial University under the Government of the RF.
  2. Mel'nik Margarita Viktorovna, DSc in Economics, professor, chief researcher, Financial University under the Government of the RF.
  3. Rozhnova Ol'ga Vladimirovna, DSc in Economics, professor, leading researcher, Financial University under the Government of the RF.
  4. Safonova Irina Viktorovna, PhD in Economics, assistent professor, professor of department, Financial University under the Government of the RF.