Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 106

UDC: 634.22:631.527
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Technology of accelerated plum breeding ( L.)

In plum breeding, there is a need to reduce the period of selection and study of the characteristics of elite forms necessary for the characteristics of candidates for new varieties, which usually takes up to 20 years and includes the period of the juvenile state of seedlings and their primary study. The authors propose a technology for the breeding process to speed up the development of a variety by combining selection and study in an intensive type garden. This makes it possible to reduce the period from sowing to the design of selected seedlings when they are transferred to the GSU up to 10 years. The participation of parental varieties that have genes for the same selection-valuable traits also affects the acceleration of the process. This paper considers a set of techniques applied to domestic plum, one of the crops that have a longer juvenile period of seedling development in a breeding garden and the selection of elite forms in it. This means that new varieties of plums are intended primarily for use in gardens with the use of intensive cultivation technologies, the same technology is used in the selection garden. Carrying out such a process according to the proposed technology was used in the breeding garden of the Krymsk EBS, VIR Branche. The essence of the experiment was that in one area the selection of elites and their evaluation according to a complex of production and biological characteristics were combined.
Keywords: Domestic plum, elite forms, precocity, yield, sustainability, fruit quality, growth vigor.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-106-226-231


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  1. Eremin Gennady Viktorovich, DSc in Agriculture, Academician of RAS, N.I. Vavilov FRC All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, Krymsk Experiment Breeding Station of VIR.
  2. Gorelikova Olga Alexandrovna, PhD in Agriculture, N.I. Vavilov FRC All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, Krymsk Experiment Breeding Station of VIR.