Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 106

UDC: 635.615/631.527
GSNTI: 68.35.51

Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of table watermelon in competitive variety testing

The research data in the competitive variety testing in the groups of early, middle and late ripening are presented. The characteristics of cultivars, cultivars and hybrids of table watermelon according to the growing season, yield and dry matter content are given. The research was carried out at the Bykovskaya melon breeding experimental station in rain-fed conditions. The purpose of the research was to characterize cultivars, hybrids and watermelon cultivars by the sum of economically important traits. These samples were tested in comparison with the standards, these are the best grades of our station. According to the results of studies in the early-ripening group, a heterotic hybrid Line L1 ½ Mt (20.2 t/ha) was distinguished by yield. The growing season is shorter in the heterotic hybrid Line L1 ½ Mk (70 days), the hybrids also stood out in terms of dry matter content - 11.8%. In the middle-ripened group, the average yield is higher in the cultivar 771 (20.5 t/ha). The growing season is shorter in the heterotic hybrid Ermak F1 (72 days). In terms of dry matter content, all the studied samples exceeded the standard (12.0-15.3%). In the late-ripening group, the average yield is higher for the 750 cultivar (21.4 t/ha). The growing season of the studied cultivars 728 and 750 is shorter and was 88 and 85 days. The dry matter content is higher than that of the standard (12.8-13.8%). The obtained data turned out to be important for further research in the breeding nursery of varietal samples allocated by the sum of economically useful traits, for the creation of new promising cultivars of table watermelon. Further development of the melon industry will be facilitated by work in this direction.
Keywords: Vegetation period, watermelon, yield, cultivar, variety type, dry matter, standard, research, heterotic hybrid.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-106-203-207


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  1. Bocharova Irina Nikolaevna, researcher, Bykovskaya Melon Breeding Experimental Station - branch of the FSBSI “Federal Research Center for Vegetable Growing”.
  2. Ryabchikova Natalia Borisovna, researcher, Bykovskaya Melon Breeding Experimental Station - branch of the FSBSI “Federal Research Center for Vegetable Growing”.