Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 105

UDC: 58.006:582.894(477.62)
GSNTI: 34.31.27, 68.35.53, 68.35.03

Introduction and selection of cornel ( L.) in the Donetsk Botanical Garden

The paper presents research results on the cultivars of cornel (Cornus mas L.) and the forms selected among free-pollinated seedlings in the dendrological collection of the Donetsk Botanical Garden. All introduced cultivars and forms have shown high winter hardiness and drought resistance, stable fruiting, resistance to diseases and pests. These cultivars have good prospects for cultivation in the conditions of Donetsk region. Among the selected forms, the form No. 1 has the largest fruit size: the average fruit weight is 5.1 g, the length is 27.4-28.0 mm, the width is 15.9-17.3 mm, the stone has an average length of 17.0 mm and a width of 5.6 mm, weight 0.4-0.5 g that is 8.0-9.4% of the weight of the fruit. The beginning of fruit ripening is the end of the first decade of August, mass yield begins in August 15-25. Based on the results of long-term research on cornel propagation by stem cuttings, this species is classified as a group of plants with low regenerative capacity. In the course of experiments, we determined the optimal terms and type of cuttings, the most effective rhizogenesis stimulants for stem cuttings. In view of the low percentage of seedlings produced from rooted cuttings (no more than 20%), research has begun on propagating cornel by grafting. The aim of this work was to give a biological and pomological characteristics of the cultivars and breeding forms of Cornus mas, to determine the optimal terms and methods for grafting to obtain planting material. The most optimal terms and methods of grafting were early spring budding with a butt shield (in April - up to 93% trials were successful) and summer budding by the bark grafting (in the second half of July - up to 100% for all cultivars and selected forms). Based on these research results, the cultivar is to be further documented and registered.
Keywords: Cornus mas, cornel, reproduction, grafting, selection form.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-105-261-265


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  1. Kharkhota Lyudmila Valerievna, PhD in Biology, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Donetsk Botanical Garden".
  2. Demkovich Evgeny Nikolaevich, junior researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Donetsk Botanical Garden".