Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 105

UDC: 631.542:634.22(470.324)
GSNTI: 68.35.53

Evaluation of the influence of pruning modes on the growth and fruiting of Chinese plum varieties under conditions of the Voronezh Region

On the territory of the pomological garden of the Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I, experiments were carried out to study the effect of different types of pruning on crown parameters, fruit quality and yield of Chinese plum varieties. When carrying out sanitary pruning (k), the minimum average length of growths was noted in the studied varieties (11.5-11.6 cm), and their number was maximum in the varieties Orlovsky Souvenir and Souvenir Vostoka (176-190 pieces), four times less growth was formed in the variety Orlovskaya mechta (42 pcs.). Rejuvenating pruning caused intensive shoot formation in the Orlovsky Souvenir (k) variety (158 pieces with an average length of 30.1 cm) and the studied indicator exceeded the corresponding values for the Souvenir Vostok variety twice (75 pieces 17.0 cm long), and for varieties Orlovskayamechta three times (29 pieces 17.2 cm long). After detailed pruning, the trend of shoot formation continued. The Souvenir Vostok and Orlovsky Souvenir varieties had 111-134 growths with an average length of 17.0-27.2 cm, the minimum values were noted in the Orlovskayamechta variety (34 pieces and 15.6 cm, respectively). The effect of pruning force on fruit weight was established: high fruit weights were observed after rejuvenating pruning, where the difference with the control (sanitary pruning) in the year of pruning was determined for the variety Souvenir Vostok at 32%, for the varieties Orlovsky souvenir and Orlovsky mechta, respectively, at 25.4% and 21.4%. In the second year after pruning, the high fruit weight values for the Souvenir Vostok variety remained and were higher than the control by 33.8%; for the Orlovskiy Souvenir and Orlovskayamechta varieties, the difference was 24.4% and 18.5%, respectively. After detailed pruning, the weight of fruits in the studied varieties differed slightly over the years and on average was determined higher than the control for the Souvenir Vostok variety by 20.6%, for the Orlovskiy Souvenir and Orlovskaya mechta varieties, respectively, by 22.7% and 13.8%. It has been established that rejuvenating pruning of plum varieties of the Chinese group leads to significant yield losses both in the year of implementation and the next year. After pruning, the yield per tree in the studied varieties averaged 5-10 kg/tree, which ranges from 2.0 to 4.2 t/ha. The yield in the control was twice as high, on average for two years - 17.3 kg/tree. (6.1-8.7 t/ha). The maximum productivity was determined after detailed pruning for the Souvenir Vostokaand Orlovskaya mechta varieties - 24-25 kg/tree. (10.0-10.4 t/ha).
Keywords: Chinese plum, varieties, crown volume, increments, total length, habit, shaping, pruning, fruit weight, yield.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-105-191-197


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  1. Kalchenko Elena Yuryevna, PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, FSFEI HE "Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I".