Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 105

UDC: 631.461:631.465
GSNTI: 68.05.45

Evaluation of the microbiological activity of the rhizosphere of spring barley against the background of the use of microbial preparations

The article presents the results of studying the effect of microbial preparations based on associative nitrogen-fixing microorganisms on the population dynamics of a number of physiological groups of soil microorganisms of sod-podzolic soil and elements of the structure of the spring barley crop. The research was carried out within the framework of the vegetation experiment. The scheme of the experiment included options without treatment (control) and with the introduction of mineral fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride and double superphosphate). The following microbial preparations were used: mizorin (Arthrobacter mysorens, strain 7), flavobacterin (Flavobacterium sp., strain 30) and strain 17-1 (Pseudomonas sp.). Soil samples were taken in the phase of tillering, exit into the tube and wax ripeness, such physiological groups of microorganisms as oligonitrophils, ammonifiers, nitrifying bacteria of the first and second phases, actinomycetes were considered. The number of studied groups of microorganisms depended on the phase of plant development and the type of microbial preparation. Inoculation with microbial preparations significantly increases the number of actinomycetes, ammonifying and nitrifying bacteria of the first and second phases. Against the background of the use of mizorin, an increase in the number of ammonifying and nitrifying bacteria was noted. Strain 17-1 contributed to the growth of the number of actinomycetes, and flavobacterin - nitrogen-fixing microorganisms (oligonitrophils) and ear productivity elements. A dynamic increase in the number of grains and their mass in the ear was observed with the combined use of mineral fertilizers and preparations flavobacterin, mizorin.
Keywords: Microbial preparations, ammonifiers, nitrogen fixers, nitrifiers, actinomycetes, elements of the crop structure.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-105-142-149


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  1. Gamzayeva Rafina Saidmetovna, PhD in Biology, associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “St. Petersburg State Agrarian University”.
  2. Bekish Lyubov Petrovna, PhD in Biology, Leningrad SRIA “Belogorka” - branch of the FSBSI "A.G. Lorkha FRC Potatoes".
  3. Khodzhaev Rustam Salomovich, applicant, Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University.