Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 105

UDC: 635.21.:631.526.32
GSNTI: 68.35.13

The use of inbreeding in traditional potato breeding

The aim of this study was to determine the possibility of genotype correction to remove some negative signs by means of traditional potato breeding methods. The object of our study was potato variety Charodey. This variety is 3-species potato hybrid (Solanum vernei, S. phureja, varieties of S. tuberosum). This variety combines higch level of productivity, quality of tubers (starch content is 14-22%). With resistance to pathogens, drought and moisture. Important demerit of this variety is short period of physiological dormancy of tubers. When temperature is above +1…+3 degree during storage, tubers sprout early. In spring of 2008 500 seeds of potato variety Charodey were sown to obtain plants of the second hybrid generation. In 2008 and 2009 these plants were subjected to detailed study. The seeds of the best plant were picked to grow seedlings of the third hybrid generation. In 2010 600 seeds of the third hybrid generation were sown. The plants of this population were subjected to hard selection for all attractive and necessary sings: such characteristics as productivity, quality of tubers, resistance to pathogens and duration of the physiological dormancy of tubers. As a result, one hybrid has been selected and this plant became beginning of new potato variety Rosoviy charodey. In 2020 cultivar Rosoviy charodey has been brought to State Test of Varieties. In 2023 this variety has been included into the State Register of Selection Achievements (National List of the Russian Federation). It has been recommended for the second (North - West) and the third (Central) regions of RF. Rosoviy charodey does not give in variety Charodey the economic signs. But morphological signs of these varieties are not identical. For example, the tubers of the variety Charodey are white, rather long and the tubers of Rosoviy charodey are round with pink skin colour. And the main difference is the longer period of physiological dormancy of tubers. Tubers are able to be stored for a long time till spring without shooting sprout. So, to remove negative sign of the cultivar Charodey was a success, but when correcting it, another variety has been created.
Keywords: Potato, variety, multi-species hybrids, inbreeding, hybrid population, period of physiological dormancy, self-pollination, breeding.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-105-138-141


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  1. Gadzhiev Nadim Makhishogly, Phd in Agryculture, Leningrad SRIA “Belogorka” - branch of the FSBSI "A.G. Lorkha FRC Potatoes".
  2. Lebedeva Vera Aleksandrovna, DSc in Agriculture, Leningrad SRIA “Belogorka” - branch of the FSBSI "A.G. Lorkha FRC Potatoes".
  3. Komarov Alexey Andreevich, researcher, Leningrad SRIA “Belogorka” - branch of the FSBSI "A.G. Lorkha FRC Potatoes".