Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 105

UDC: 632.9:634.11(477.75)
GSNTI: 68.37.13

Features of protection of apple trees gardens in the Crimea

The apple tree in the Crimea grows on 2/3 of the areas occupied by fruit crops, of which the majority (up to 70.0%) is mainly represented by cultivars of medium and late ripening with yields from 12 to 40 t/ha. At the same time, the production of high-quality products is limited by the annual mass reproduction of pests and epiphytotics of diseases, the species and quantitative composition of which is not the same, subject to constant fluctuations depending on the weather and climatic conditions of the growing season and the breed and varietal composition of plants. Representatives of two classes - Arachnidae and Insecta - of seven orders and seventeen families have been recorded in the gardens. The leaders are representatives of Lepidoptera - 20 species, of which 10% are representatives of the family Tortricidae. In 2021-2022, a change was found in comparison with the average data for 2015-2019: an increase of 3.0% in the number of Lepidoptera due to the number of identified species - 3 species of the Noctuidae family, 3 species of the Geometridae family and 3 species leaf-roller moths. The number of Hemiptera species increased by 7.0%, and Coleoptera decreased by 10.0%. The number of phytophagous ticks also decreased by 2.5-3.2 times. A modern ecological and economic complex of harmful species has been identified, which significantly reduces the quality of the removable crop. This is the apple moth (Cydia pomonella L.), three species of tetranychus mites: Amphitetranychus viennensis Zacher., Panonychus ulmi Koch. and Tetranychus turkestani Ug et Nik. and two pathogens: Venturia inaegualis Cocke and Podosphaera leucotricha Salm. The concept of building a protection system is based on systematic monitoring of the phytosanitary condition of a particular agrocenosis with the determination of the species and quantitative composition of phytophages and pathogens, the degree of their spread and harmfulness, the peculiarities of their phenology and the timing of the appearance of the most vulnerable phases of their development.
Keywords: Apple tree, phytophagous complex, pathogens, protection.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-105-124-129


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  1. Balykina Elena Borisovna, DSc in Agriculture, Federal State Funded Institution of Science "The Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS".
  2. Yagodinskaya Larisa Pavlovna, PhD in Agriculture, Federal State Funded Institution of Science "The Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS".
  3. Rybareva Tatiana Sergeevna, graduate student, Federal State Funded Institution of Science "The Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the RAS".