Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 105

UDC: 633.854.78:632.51:632.954
GSNTI: 68.37.33

Weeds sensitivity to herbicides in sunflower crops of the Krasnodar Territory central zone

Field experiments to assess the weeds sensitivity for recommended herbicides used on sunflower crops were conducted in the central zone of the Krasnodar Territory on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center for Biological Plant Protection" in 2020-2021 according to the "Guidelines for registration tests of herbicides in agriculture". The soil of the experimental plots is leached chernozem. The area of plots is 25 m with fourfold repetition with a randomized arrangement. Herbicides were used before the germination of the crop or during the growing season: Frontier Optima, CE (1.2 l/ha); Bandur, CS (4.0 l/ha); Goal 2E, CE (1.0 l/ha); Cobra, CE (6.0 l/ha); Gezagard, CS (3.5 l/ha); Pronto, CE (3.0 l/ha); Avangard, CS (1.6 l/ha); Gardo Gold, CS (4.0 l/ha); Racer, CE (4.0 l/ha); Pledge, WP (0.12 kg/ha); Wing-P, CE (4.0 l/ha); Zelleck Super, CE (0.5 l/ha); Healer, OCE (1.0 l/ha); Selector, CE (0.4 l/ha); Furore Ultra, EOW (0.75 l/ha); Fusilade Forte, CE (1.0 l/ha); Targa Super, CE (1.5 l/ha); Salsa, WP (0.025 kg/ha). The biological efficacy of the drugs was evaluated by reducing the contamination of crops in comparison with the control (without herbicides). In the variants with the use of soil herbicides, with the exception of Pledge, WP and Goal 2E, CE, annual grass weeds showed high sensitivity (85-95% or more), tilted schiritsa and white mar - high or medium (70-85%) one. Ragweed wormwood was less sensitive (< 70%), and Theophrastus ropeberry and California durnishnik showed resistance to the herbicides used. Annual cereal weeds showed high sensitivity (85-95% or more) when using graminicides during the growing season of the crop. The tilted-back schiritsa and the white mary showed high sensitivity (85-95% or more) to the post-emergence herbicides Pledge, WP and Salsa, WP, ragweed, Theophrastus ropeberry and California durnishnik - weak (<70%). The data obtained indicate that to date there is no effective sunflower crops protection against ragweed, and especially Theophrastus ropeberry, California durnishnik.
Keywords: Herbicide, sunflower, weed vegetation, sensitivity.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-105-118-123


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  1. Savva Anatoly Pavlovich, PhD in Biology, Head of the Laboratory, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Research Center of Biological Plant Protection”.
  2. Telezhenko Tamara Nikolaevna, researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Research Center of Biological Plant Protection”.
  3. Suvorova Valeria Aleksandrovna, рost-graduate student, Junior Researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Research Center of Biological Plant Protection”.