Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 103

UDC: 633.18:631.1
GSNTI: 68.35.29

The effect of mineral fertilizer doses on the new rice varieties yield and structure in the Tersko-Sulak subprovince in Dagestan

The increase in the potential yield of rice crops requires the study of agronomic and soil-climatic factors, as well as the selection of new high-yielding and promising varieties of intensive type. The use of mineral fertilizers is one of the main factors in increasing this valuable food crop productivity. Studies on the effect of mineral fertilizers doses (N105P52K60, N150P78K90) were conducted in Sirius LLC of the Kizlyar district of the Republic of Dagestan in 2021-2022. The originator of the rice varieties studied by us is the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Rice Research Center". We studied the varieties: Rapan 2, Istok, Prestige and Regulus (control). The soils of the experimental site are alluvial-meadow, medium-saline and heavy loamy. Climatic conditions are of the semi-desert nature, in terms of the amount of heat, the average annual temperature is 11 oC. Studies have shown that the Istok and Prestige varieties were more responsive to doses of mineral fertilizers. Thus, in the variant of applying an increased dose of mineral fertilizers (N150P78K90), the yield of the Istok and Prestige varieties was 8.75 and 8.67 t /ha, in the variant without applying mineral fertilizers, the Rapan 2 variety showed a high yield - 3.83 t/ha, against 3.51 and 3.44 t/ha for the Istok and Prestige varieties. According to the data obtained by us, an increase in the doses of fertilizers from N105P52K60 to N150P78K90 contributed to an increase in plant biomass, bushiness coefficient, respectively, and rice yield. It should be noted that Rapan 2, Istok and Prestige varieties are highly responsive to high doses of mineral fertilizers, which cannot be said about the Regulus (control) variety.
Keywords: Rice, mineral fertilizers, soil, varieties, yield.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-103-91-95


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  1. Aliev Magomed-Baki Shakhramazanovich, postgraduate student, FSBSI “Federal Agrarian Scientific Center of the Republic of Dagestan”.