Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 103

UDC: 338.012+621.0
GSNTI: 06.54.51

Digital twins use effects in agriculture

Digital twins are used by agricultural organizations in Russia, so far, to a small extent. We can talk about the stage of information critical mass accumulation that forms the basis for the functioning of digital twins. An important process is the understanding by the professional community of the need to use digital twins. The presented results of the study are aimed at solving the scientific problem associated with the development of a rationale for the introduction of digital twins in the work of agricultural organizations, government bodies, in particular, determining the effects of their use. During the study, an assessment was made of the level of influence of digital technology on agricultural production and the level of ease of its application. Digital technologies taken into account by statistical observation were considered. According to the result, the distribution of digital technologies was carried out by groups of generating effects for agriculture. It has been established that digital twins belong to the group with a high level. The scientific novelty of the presented research consists of provisions complementing the theoretical, scientific and methodological provisions of the creation and application of digital twins in agriculture, revealed in the assessment of digital technologies by the power of influence and ease of use, in the grouping of digital technologies by the level of effects formation, in the quantitative assessment of the identified effects, etc.
Keywords: Digital twin, digitalization, agriculture, agricultural machines, effects, technology, production, management.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-103-71-78


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  1. Lobachevsky Yakov Petrovich, DSc in Technology, professor, academician of the RAS, FSBSI "Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM".
  2. Mironov Denis Alexandrovich, PhD in Technology, FSBSI "Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM".
  3. Kislitsky Mikhail Mikhailovich, DSc in Economics, FSBSI "Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM".
  4. Mironova Anastasiya Vladimirovna, junior research assistant, FSBSI "Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM".