Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 103

UDC: 33.332.12
GSNTI: 06.71.07

Development trends in the commodity market of milk and dairy products

In Russia, the established medical nutritional standards for categories of dairy products do not meet the level of the standard, so the development of commodity markets for milk and dairy products is considered relevant. Milk is a unique product not only in terms of biological value, but also as a product with a multiple differentiated level of processing, which makes it possible to consider milk from the point of view of the use of waste-free technologies and process secondary products repeatedly. This allows the production of secondary dairy products for a number of food industries. The commodity market of milk and dairy products is a complex reproductive mechanism that includes a complex composition of elements, including breed composition; the technological process of keeping and feeding cattle (duration of the dry period, lactation period, etc.), the availability of a forage base and the composition of the feeding ration; the level of primary processing of raw milk; material and technical base and skill level of workers of dairy farms; reproduction of young animals and a number of other issues. Despite the significant difference in the subjects of the markets under consideration, the main consumers are the final (individual) buyers; therefore, the state regulation of their development is essential in the development of commodity markets. Dividing the markets into production and consumer markets, it is necessary to distinguish between the consumer segments of the commodity market and the market for finished dairy products. At the same time, the system of state support for the development of dairy cattle breeding and measures to stimulate the development of local commodity markets, including product sales channels, are of particular importance. A negative trend in the reduction of the volume of raw milk is observed in a number of regions that are traditionally leaders in the dairy industry, which affects the export structure of marketable dairy products. In order to stimulate the development of the commodity dairy market, it is necessary to continue to support commodity producers, regardless of the form of management, in covering the costs of purchasing feed for farm animals in dairy cattle breeding.
Keywords: Market, processing, commodity, dynamics, milk, dairy products, dairy cattle breeding, dairy productivity, processing capacity.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-103-52-60


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  1. Kovaleva Irina Valerievna, DSc in Economics, professor, FSBEI HE "Altai State Agricultural University".
  2. Kudinova Margarita Gennadievna, PhD in Economics, associate professor, FSBEI HE "Altai State Agricultural University".