Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 103

UDC: 619:616.995.132
GSNTI: 68.41.55

Сlinical-hematological aspects of cattle theleziosis

The quantitative cattle number indicators are rapidly gaining momentum, for this reason, the issue of increasing the livestock safety and productivity is becoming more and more urgent. One of the conditions for the profitability of animal husbandry is the destruction of cattle helminthic diseases, among which thelaziosis is of no small importance. Telaziosis (Thelaziasis) is a seasonal, mainly summer, invasive enzootic disease of animals caused by the genus Thelasia nematodes. Parasitization of the larvae of telasia takes place in the conjunctival cavity of the eye, as well as in the ducts of the lacrimal glands, where they injure the mucous membrane, causing an inflammatory reaction, which is characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye and is manifested by abundant outflows of inflammatory exudate from the inner corner of the eye, photophobia, clouding of the cornea and blindness. The disease is widespread in the Krasnodar Territory, and occupies 17% of all invasive diseases in cattle. The experiment involved 30 animals of the group of 6-12 months of the Aberdeen Angus breed. The calves were divided into 2 groups with 15 animals in each. Animals were diagnosed with thelaziosis based on clinical signs, as well as on the results of washings from the conjunctiva, in which larvae of nematodes were found. The blood for the study was taken by jugular vein puncture and examined on the Mific 18 Vet analyzer by Orphee S.A. (Switzerland). As a result of hematological blood tests in cattle thelaziosis, it was noted that the indicators change throughout all periods of the disease. In the first and second period, there is a change in leukocytes, an increase of up to 17.5%, basophilia by 1100%, eosinophilia by 460%. In the third period, the change in indicators is even more significant. The number of leukocytes decreased by 52%, hemoglobinemia by 60%, lymphocytosis by 150%) and neutrophilia by 1000%.
Keywords: Cattle, thelaziosis, blood test, hematology, larvae, veterinary medicine, symptoms, eosinophilia.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-103-194-198


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  1. Detkova Elizaveta Alexandrovna, post-graduate student, FSBEI HE “Stavropol State Agrarian University”.
  2. Lutsuk Svetlana Nikolaevna, DSc in Veterinary, professor, FSBEI HE “Stavropol State Agrarian University”.