Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 103

UDC: 635.655
GSNTI: 68.35.31

Soybean cultivation technology in the foothill Zone of Ingushetia

The purpose of the work is to study some techniques of a promising medium-ripened soybean Iriston cultivation technology. To achieve the goal, the natural and soil conditions of leguminous crops were considered. The biological features of the soybean variety in the conditions of the Republic of Ingushetia foothill zone have been studied. The requirements for tillage technologies, sowing and crop care, plants chemical protection from weeds, pests and diseases, harvesting and post-harvest processing of soybean seeds are presented. The studies were carried out on bogar under certain agroecological growing conditions. Requirements for the quality of seeds harvested and supplied for processing are regulated by GOST 17109-88. The growing season for the medium-ripened Iriston variety was 117-120 days. The soybeans predecessor was winter wheat. Technological operations were carried out taking into account zonal features. The main tillage after harvesting the predecessor included peeling stubble with LDG-10A disc huskers to a depth of 6-8 cm and disking (second) to 8-10 cm in order to prevent soil desiccation, destroy vegetative weeds, seal the crumbled weed seeds into a wet layer and create favorable conditions for their germination. Plowing of the finch was the second technique in the main processing system to a depth of 22-25 cm. It provides wrapping of the treated layer, partial mixing and loosening of the soil, as well as pruning of the underground part of plants, sealing of fertilizers and plant residues, changes the structure of the arable layer, giving it a loose lumpy state, resulting in improved water and air regimes. Spring tillage for soybeans included two cultivations with a KRN-5,6 cultivator: the first cultivation of finches by 6-8 cm and pre-sowing cultivation by 6-8 cm. The beans on the stems of soybeans are attached quite close and cleaning has to be carried out on a low cut. Therefore, before sowing, the soil was leveled. Purified soybean seeds 1.5-2 months before sowing were treated with a fungicide TMTD, 80% PP (3 kg / t). Iriston soybean seeds sowing was carried out with the universal seeder with a pneumatic sowing machine SUPN-8, the calendar sowing period is the second-third decade of April. The seeding rate of germinating seeds for a medium-ripened variety is 400 thousand pieces / ha (55-65 kg / ha), the seeding method is wide-row with row spacing 45 cm, the seeding depth is 5 cm. Care of crops included rolling after sowing, pre-emergence and post-emergence harrowing, two row-to-row treatments before closing the rows. The first cultivation of soybean crops was carried out during the rows formation, but no later than the deployment of the first triple leaf, the second after 9 days to a depth of 5 cm. The use of a comprehensive integrated system of protection against pests and diseases has made it possible to ensure the healthy functioning of agrocenoses of this valuable crop. Against the most common pests, soybean crops were sprayed with 50% K.E. karbofos (0.6-1.0 kg/ha), with the appearance of false powdery mildew, bacterial burn, septiriosis, spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid (2 kg/ha) was effective. Harvesting of this crop requires a special approach to the timing and the process of the procedure itself in order to minimize losses and not to spoil the quality of the products produced. Harvesting was carried out in September with grain moisture of 12-15% by direct combine harvester Palesse GS12, which ensured yield, the best technological and sowing qualities of seeds. The yield of the soybean variety Iriston was 27 c/ha. Post-harvest soybean grain processing was carried out on the upgraded ZAV-20M unit.
Keywords: Technology, soybean, variety, tillage, sowing, care, harvesting, yield, post-harvest processing.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-103-166-171


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  1. Khashagulgova Makka Akhmetovna, PhD in Biology, associate professor, FSBEI HE “Ingush State University”.
  2. Khashagulgov Umar Akhmetovich, PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, FSBEI HE “Ingush State University”.