Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 103

UDC: 633.71.002.612
GSNTI: 68.29.21, 68.29.23

Rustica growing possibility in the conditions of the Krasnodar Territory

In order to enlarge non traditional growing area for Rustica, researches on defining possibility of its growing in conditions of Krasnodar region were carried in FSBSI ARSRITTP in 2016-2019 years. Rustica was grown in greenhouse on substrate with optimal concentration of basic nutritive compounds - N70P60K70. During the field period effect of agrotechnological methods (topping and suckers removing) on plant productivity, dry matter accumulation and chemical composition of cured leaves was studied. Rustica was harvested by one priming 40 days after topping. As the result, plants from 12 studied sorts, which are the most responsible to soil and climate conditions of Krasnodar region and traditional agrotechnological methods, were found. Best productivity (from 9.5 to 10.4 c/ha) was found for sorts Elman, Shvede, Krasniy Kut and Abysinaya. It was discovered that methods for preparing Rustica plants to harvesting (topping and sucker removing) allows increasing leaf area by 18.6 - 28.9%, dry matter content - by 2-31% and improving chemical composition of cured Rustica. It was found, that utilizing the above mentioned agrotechnological methods leads to increasing nicotine content by 65-179%, carbohydrates content - by 41-107%, and proteins content decreasing - by 6-15%. The highest nicotine content was found for topped plants and plants with removed suckers of the following sorts: Vysokoroslaya zelenaya (11%), Algeria (9.7%), Shvede (9.3%), Krasniy Kut (9.2%), Elman (9.1%), Abysinaya (9.1%) and Glaznovskaya (9.1%).
Keywords: Rustica, topping, sucker removing, productivity, leaf area, dry matter content, chemical composition.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-103-135-140


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  1. Pestova Lyudmila Petrovna, PhD in Technology, FSBSI "All-Russian research institute of tobacco, makhorka and tobacco products".
  2. Soboleva Larisa Mikhailovna, PhD in Agriculture, FSBSI "All-Russian research institute of tobacco, makhorka and tobacco products".
  3. Salomatin Vadim Aleksandrovich, DSc in Economics, FSBSI "All-Russian research institute of tobacco, makhorka and tobacco products".
  4. Plotnikova Tatyana Viktorovna, PhD in Agriculture, FSBSI "All-Russian research institute of tobacco, makhorka and tobacco products".