Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2021, № 92

UDC: 634.711:631.53:581.143.6
GSNTI: 34.29.25

Reproduction of the Belarusian variety of raspberry repair verasna in culture in vitro

In 2020 in the department of small fruit crops of the RUE "Institute for Fruit Growing" (ag. Samokhvalovitchy, Minsk district, Belarus) the first Belarusian primocane raspberry variety Verasnyovaya was created, which is distinguished by a compact habitus of a bush, large-fruited, and high productivity. In the central fruit-growing zone of the Republic of Belarus the realization of the productivity potential reaches 98,0-100,0%. For the successful introduction of the latest achievements in breeding into production, it is important to accelerate the multiplication of the original planting material with the maximum yield of standard seedlings. The studies were carried out in 2019-2020 in the department of biotechnology RUE "Institute For Fruit Growing" in laboratory conditions. Based on the results of the assessment of the main parameters of microclonal reproduction in in vitro culture, guidelines for the reproduction of a new variety of primocane raspberry Verasnyovaya in in vitro culture have been prepared. The guidelines determine the sequence of microclonal reproduction (preparation of explants, type of explants, sterilization, nutrient medium for the introduction in vitro, micropropagation in vitro, nutrient medium for in vitro propagation, in vitro rooting, nutrient medium for in vitro rhizogenesis, ex vitro adaptation conditions, substrates for ex vitro adaptation, containers for ex vitro adaptation, ex vitro adaptation objects) ensure stability and repeatability of results. This development will allow achieving the efficiency of in vitro culture initiation at the level of 82,5-85,0%; the multiplication factor is not less than 5 (in three passages after stabilization of the culture in vitro); 100,0% rooting rate of regenerate plants; high yield of adapted regenerate plants - 76,67-100,0%. Thanks to the research carried out, it will be possible to obtain sanitary planting material of the SSE "A" category, which is of high quality and meets modern requirements.
Keywords: Primocane raspberry, variety, reproduction, culture in vitro, Republic of Belarus.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-92-144-147


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  1. Gashenko Ol'ga Aleksandrovna, Phd in Agriculture, Senior Researcher, RUE "Institute of Fruit Growing".
  2. Kukharchik Natal'ya Valer'yevna, Head of the Department of Biotechnology, RUE "Institute of Fruit Growing".
  3. Frolova Lyudmila Vladimirovna, Senior Researcher of the Department of berry crops, RUE "Institute of Fruit Growing".