Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 81

UDC: 633.511, 664.3
GSNTI: 68.35.35, 65.31.09, 65.09.05

Cotton seed protein content in Southern and North-Caucasian FD of Russia

Cotton - is the main source of fiber worldwide. Cottonseed oil is one of the five leaders in terms of global production. The share of cottonseed meal is 8% in CIS. The aims or the research are eco-geographical evaluation of factors variability of seed protein amount in local cotton cultivars in Russia and select the most productive. Cultivars and breeding lines of Upland Cotton Gossypium hirsutum L., G. herbaceum ("ghuza") and Pima Cotton G. barbadense were studied. The protein content was estimated according to the Kjeldahl method on a Kjeltec 2200 analyzer. At the northernmost point of sowing (Volgograd region), the maximum amount was observed in cultivar Voitenok FRT (22.8%, Upland Cotton), Pima cotton cultivar Tyamin - 20.3. Samples average protein content 20.2% observed in Astrakhan region, but the maximum amount detected in Abolin CFN cultivar (24.8, Upland Cotton). At the southernmost point of study (Derbent district of Dagestan) the average amount was 20.0%, with a maximum of 22.6 for Voitenok FRT. It was revealed that the influence of zonality, within the studied regions, on the protein content is insignificant, while the factor of belonging to the botanical species was reliable. Accessions of Upland Cotton G. hirsutum had the highest protein content than accessions of G. herbaceum ("ghuza") and Pima Cotton G. barbadense. The Pima cotton variety Tyamin showed an average content of 19.6 for all geographical points of evaluation. The protein content had a weak negative correlation with the seed oil content (correlation coefficient r = -0.20) and the average with the factor that the sample belongs to the botanical species (r=0.49). For the studied regions of the Russian Federation, the influence of the zoning factor on the oil content is also weak (r=0.28), while the variety belonging to the botanical species has a larger relationship with the oil content of seeds (r=0.31). Studies have shown that in the regions of southern Russia, cotton can be a source of seed protein, which is a by-product of the processing of raw cotton.
Keywords: Cotton, Upland Cotton Gossypium hirsutum, G. herbaceum ("goose"), Pima Cotton G. barbadense, protein content, eco-geographical research
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-81-91-96


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  1. Grigorev Sergei Vladimirovich, Phd in Agriculture, leading scientific researcher, Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great.
  2. Horeva Valentina Ivanovna, Phd in Biology, leading scientific researcher, Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great.
  3. Illarionova Kseniya Viktorovna, Phd in technical, Assistent Professor, Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great.