Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 77

UDC: 632.95.633.11.324 (470.620)
GSNTI: 68.37.13

Еfficacy of protectants against alternariosis infection on winter wheat of the Kurs variety in conditions in the Сentral zone of the Krasnodar Territory

One of the leading branches of domestic farming is grain farming, which provides the population with food, raw materials and animal feed. Winter wheat belongs to the most ancient and valuable high-yielding cereals. However, it is highly susceptible to infection with a pathogenic complex that reduces yield. So, alternaria seed infection not only leads to a significant reduction in yield, but also pollutes the agricultural produce with phytotoxis. In this regard, the purpose of the research was the study of the biological effectiveness of the disinfectants of ScenicCombi, KS, Baritone, KS, Lamador, KS against Alternaria infection on winter wheat varieties Kurs in the conditions of the training farm “Kuban”, KubSAU. Numerous mycological studies have shown that in the earing phase, the species composition of pathogens is too poor and can be represented by 3-4 species of fungi. The frequency of excretion of fungi of the genus Alternaria during this period is 3.9% of the total infection. In the phase of milky ripeness, alternaria infection increases 21 times compared with the earing phase. And in the phase of wax and full ripeness, the pathogen infects on average up to 80% of the grain in the ear. In the course of the phytopathological examination, the biological effectiveness of the selected disinfectants was determined, and the type of pathogenic fungus of the genus Alternaria was identified by germinating seeds on nutrient media. Phytoexamination of seeds made it possible to assess the need for treatment with disinfectants in order to protect the culture and destroy both internal and external infection.
Keywords: Agrocenosis, winter wheat, seed material, weediness, pathogen, black colossus, the genus Alternaria, Alternaria infection
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-77-84-89


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  1. Dmitrenko Natalia Nikolaevna, associate Professor, Phd in Agriculture, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  2. Karpenko Alina Aleksandrovna, master's student, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  3. Kurylenko Vladislav Alekseevich, master student, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.