Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 633.18:631.524.81.01:632.938.1
GSNTI: 68.35

Assessment of selection material on resistance to a rice blast

The combination of pathogenic factors in a biotype as a single system undergoes significant changes over time, including the susceptibility of individual varieties to the causative agent of diseases. The resistance of the variety to continuous cultivation is reduced due to the accumulation of pathogenic races of a harmful object that can overcome the resistance mechanisms of the host plant. Frequent sorting does not allow the pathogen to accumulate in the quantity necessary for epiphytoty, therefore it is one of the elements of the rice crop protection system. Selective programs for the creation of resistant varieties are based on the use of genetic sources of rice resistance to pericularia. The main stages of this work are: assessment of the field stability of varieties, based on the creation of a strict infectious background and provocative conditions, the search for and identification of sources of stability among the collection material of rice. The most reliable factor restraining the development of piricularia is the timely replacement of old varieties with new ones that have effective genes for resistance to the pathogen. It should be emphasized that selection for resistance to rice picarullariosis involves the use of genetic sources of resistance and an objective assessment of the degree of damage to varietal specimens. Valuation of breeding material in the infectious nursery makes it possible to select, along with immune samples, varieties and forms of rice with high field stability. Field stability is usually not rasospecific, it depends more on environmental factors than true stability and is controlled polygenically in most varieties.
Keywords: Variety, resistance, blast, pathogen, immunologica levaluation, varieties, infectiousbackground
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-54-58


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  1. Bragina Olesya Anatolievna, Phd in Biology, associate Researcher of the agriculture laboratory, department of rice growing technologies, FSBSI "Russian Rice Research Institute".
  2. Malyuchenko Evgeniya Aleksandrovna, Phd in Biology, junior researcher, FSBSI "Russian Rice Research Institute".