Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 633.1:631.53
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Comparative evaluation of cereals productivity in hydrothermal conditions of the Middle Priamurye

The aim of the research is a comparative evaluation of the productivity of cereals in the agrometeorological conditions of the Middle Priamurye. Studies on the comparison of cereals were conducted in 2014-2017. The objects of research were regionalized variety of spring oats Express, regionalized variety of spring wheat Khabarovchanka, regionalized variety of spring barley Kazminsky and recommended for cultivation variety of spring triticale Ukro. Biological yield of oat variety Express in hydrothermal conditions can reach 12 t/ha due to the most efficient use of solar energy. Potential productivity of Khabarovchanka and Ukro in the conditions of the Middle Amur region is realized practically equally - 2.4-2.5 t/ha The analysis of correlation interrelations has made it possible to find high grade dependence of yield on the parameters of external environmental factors. In hydrothermal conditions of the Middle Priamurye, the yield of grain crops is on average determined by 17,13% by the amount of surface air temperature, 10,22% by precipitation, 17,88% - moisture and 37,44% by photosynthetically active radiation. The main limiting factor determining the realization of the potential productivity of grain crops is photosynthetically active radiation during the tillering.
Keywords: Cereal crops, productivity, correlation, regression, photosynthetically active radiation (PHA), the Middle Priamurye
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-42-46


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  1. Aseeva Tat'yana Aleksandrovna, DSc in Agriculture, Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute.
  2. Trifuntova Irina Borisovna, researcher of the Field Crops Breeding, Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute.
  3. Zenkina Kristina Vladimirovna, postgraduate student Field Crops Breeding, Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute.