Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 71

UDC: 631.86:633.11
GSNTI: 68.33.29

Spring wheat productivity formation depending on the application of organic fertilizers manufactured with the use of the latest technologies in the Western Forest-steppe

The data of research results on the study of the effect of organic fertilizers manufactured with the use of the latest technologies on the growth and development of plants and the yield of the Chadot spring wheat in the Western Forest-Steppe are presented. It is established that the application of organic fertilizers manufactured using the latest technologies contributed to the increase of the spring wheat leaf surface area, the value of the photosynthetic potential of plants, significantly influenced the formation of net productivity of plant photosynthesis in comparison with the variants without their introduction. On average for 2013-2016 years a powerful leaf apparatus of plants was formed in the variant of fertilizer "Bioproferm" (10 tons/g) application with a balanced content of trivalent chromium and the plants were sprayed in the tillering phase - the beginning of stem elongation - with liquid organic fertilizer "Biochrom" (5 liters/g). In this variant, the area of the leaf surface of plants in the phase of earing is larger in comparison with the control - by 10,4 thousand m2/g. There was, accordingly, an intensive accumulation of dry mass by the plants. In this variant, the yield of spring wheat of the Chado grade was the highest one - 5.07 t/g, or 1.79 t/g more against the control, with the grain content of 1.289 mg/kg Cr+3.
Keywords: Spring wheat, the newest technologies, "Bioactive", "Bioproferm", trivalent chromium, productivity of photosynthesis, yielding capacity
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-71-56-61


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  1. Bakhmat Nikolai Ivanovich, Dr. Agriculture. Sciences, professor; Сhair plant growing, breedingand seed productionof PGATU, Podolsk State Acrotechnical University of Ukraine.
  2. Bunchak Alexander Mironovich, Cand. sovkhoz Sciences, doctoral student, Podolsk State Acrotechnical University of Ukraine.