Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 65

UDC: 632. 937
GSNTI: 34.35.25

Development of methods for biological control of economically important soybean pests

The Krasnodar Territiry according to its climatic conditions is the most favourable zone for soybean cultivation in Russia. Arthropods species composition of soybean agrocenosis in the central zone of the Krasnodar Territiry has been determined. 227 species of insects and 2 species of mites were identified, including 98 species of phytophagous (or 43,2% of the total fauna), damaging soy, and 129 species of entomophages (or 56,8% of the total fauna). These insects are distributed in 9 orders, 51 family. The most dangerous phytophagous of soybean account for 9,3% of the total species composition. Numerous of them are bollworm (Heliothis armigera Hbn), Lima-bean pod borer (Etiella zinckenella Tr.) and the common spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch). The biological impact of ectoparasite of habrobracon against acacia moth has been evaluated; this approach is not aimed at total destruction but regulation of populations through restoration of natural mechanisms of regulation. Artificial breeding of natural enemies of habrobracon and early introduction allows efficient control of reduction of the number of acacia moth. A biological method of crop protection from the common spider mite was tested, on the basis of production of predatory mite Amblyseius andersoni Chant. A new method that is the most promising for practical use against the common spider mite has been developed on the basis of cultivation and application technologies of bioagents in the open agroecosystems by seasonal colonization and reproducing reserves. The prospects of entomoacariphages in organic farming technologies were shown.
Keywords: Soybean, composition, predator, biological protection, biotechnology, habrobracon, spider mites, acariphag
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-65-53-59


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  1. Agasieva Irina Sergeevna, PhD in biology, Head of the laboratory of the State collection of entomoacariphages and initial evaluation of biological means of plant protection, All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection.
  2. Ismailov Vladimir Yakovlevich, PhD in biology, Deputy Director, All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection.