Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 62

UDC: 581.526.42(470.62/.67)
GSNTI: 39.29.35

Characterization of anthropogenically disturbed mountain forest plant formations of Lagonacki Plateau (Northwest Caucasus)

A lot of attention is given to the anthropogenic pressures on natural protected areas but the environmental component of the problem remains unlit in science and that requires a more detailed investigation. The current legal framework on the use of protected areas for recreational purposes is not perfect and the lack of scientific experience and the absence of well-functioning schemes of doing outdoor activities in these areas leads to negligence and immoral relation to nature. Development of recreation calls for a comprehensive evaluation of natural recreational resources of protected areas to organize elaborate recreational activities within these areas. Very often the negative human impact on the mountain-forest plant communities of the Northwest Caucasus overlaps the natural influence of natural environmental factors. In this regard, one can speak of human activities on forest resources (mostly wood), and their reproduction, of the conversion of forest land to non-forest areas, i.e. to all sorts of farmland, of random human acts and indirect results, which nevertheless make a profound change in the forest ecosystem. In the studied area the succession chain shifts are clearly seen in the woody vegetation. This happens due to annually increasing anthropogenic pressure on forest fund of these territories. In this area haphazard felling of valuable timber, resort construction, overgrazing, fires, recreation were carried out, the young regrowth of trees was not conducted. These places turned to be unsuitable for the full development of the flora. This led to changes in the composition and structure of soils, violation of interspecies interaction, loss of seed bank. The significant disturbance of the neighboring communities should be emphasized where mass destruction of the tree stand is observed.
Keywords: Anthropogenically disturbed mountain forest plant formations, recreation, pollution, tree felling, secondary forests, floristic similarity indices
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-62-92-96


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  1. Krivorotov Sergey Borisovich, D. Sc., Professor, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.
  2. Arkhipov Ruslan Alexandrovich, PhD student, Kuban State University.