Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 62

UDC: 330.322:636
GSNTI: 06.58.45

Investments as a livestock resource potential formation factor

In this article the constituent elements of livestock resource potential are systematized, among which the following are pointed out: labor and land resources, capital, technology and entrepreneurial skills. It is proved that the efficacy of joining and use of resource potential elements in the reproduction process is largely determined by investment and innovational potential of the industry. Calculations have shown that for the period between 2000-2015 year in the Krasnodar region almost 4-fold increase in the number of places for keeping cattle put into effect is 2,5 timesmore than for pigs and the capacity for dairy products production has increased 2,7 times, but the capacity of feed plant shops and preparation centers put into operation has decreased sigtificantly.The reduction of capacity utilization share has stabilized in 2015, which is associated with the beginning of the import substitution policy implementation and the food embargo imposed by Russian on import of agricultural products from the EU and the United States. It is concluded that the level of technological development of animal husbandry is largely determined by the quantity and quality of investment. The development of innovation and investment processes in the industry, focused on the growth of its profitability suggests a fundamental solution to the problem of the investment into agrarian sector attractiveness increasing, improvement of the state regulation system in the Agrarian and Industrial Complex. In the context of Russia's membership in the WTO and the implementation of the mechanism of import substitution agricultural enterprises need the most effective technologies that can provide a breakthrough in the development of competitive production of livestock products. In this regard of priority are the investments in the modernization of technical and technological livestock base.
Keywords: Investments, investment potential, investment climate, resource potential, livestock, livestock products, technical and technological factors, import substitution, efficiency, competitiveness
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-62-7-12


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  1. Barcho Mariana Khazretovna, PhD in economy, associate professor of the economics and foreign economic activity department, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.