Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 633.881.4:631
GSNTI: 68.35.37

Improving timing and sowing methods of Coriandrum sativum

Coriander sativum (Coriandrum sativum L.) is one of the major essential oil crops in the south of Russia that is in a great demand. Special urgency of this crop cultivation in the Crimea is due to the fact of changing the structure of agricultural areas and because of water shortage in the republic. The aim of our work is to study the influence of agrotechnological methods of the crop cultivation on its productivity. Range of the issues covers the questions of the best time for seeding and sowing methods; the assessment of economic efficiency of the improved variant. The research based on the cultivar of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) Nectar was conducted at an annually-renewable two-factor field experiment that was situated on the field territory of experimental base of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea” (v. Crimean Rose (Krymskaya Rosa), Belogorskiy district, the Republic of Crimea). The results of complete study are presented (2011-2013). The sub-winter sowing method for coriander was tested at first. The advantages of this method are such causes as organizational and technological nature and natural reasons (less tension of agricultural labor when soil cultivation and sowing is provided in comparison with winter sowing period; opportunity to get early plantlets in comparison with spring sowing period). According to the criterion of productivity, the efficiency of the sub-winter sowing period was determined. The sowing must be done upon the occurrence of stable cold weather (in the Crimea not earlier than in December). Further study of sowing methods was done. The comparative assessment of planting in a raw (inter-row spacing is 30 cm, 15 cm) and ribbon-type sowing method ( two rows with inter-row spacing of 15 cm + inter-row spacing of 45 cm) alongside with the recommended for the Crimea sowing in broad drills. Planting in a raw was a priority in a coriander sowing (the width of the inter-row spacing is 15 cm and 30 cm). This method provides increasing productivity up to 1,8-1,9 times and yield of essential oil up to 1,4-1,5 times. The time of sowing was ascertained as the priority agrotechnological method of coriander cultivation. The maximum yield is guaranteed with winter sowing period (the average index 1,17 t/ha). The optimum sowing method, in case of any sowing time, is planting in a raw with the 15 cm of inter-row spacing width. The advantage of winter sowing time was confirmed with the assessment of economic efficiency of cultivation coriander sativum in case of different time of sowing. In comparison with spring sowing time (control option), here the increment of net income was 7,9 thousand of rubles per hectare and 89,4% of profit margin. In case of equal productivity, when expenses decrease and if the time of sowing is sub-winter, the rise of pure profit achieves 160 rub./ha and the increase of profit margin reaches 20,1%.
Keywords: Coriander sativum (Coriandrum sativum L.), sowing time, sowing methods, economic efficiency


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  1. Yakubovich-Dyachkova Irina Valerevna, Candidate of Agricultural science, Senior Reserch officer of part of aromatic and medicinal crops, Scientific research institute of agriculture of Crimea.
  2. Merkushev Yevgeniy Anatolevich, Candidate of Agricultural science, Head of the laboratory, Scientific research institute of agriculture of Crimea.
  3. Merkusheva Margarita Borisovna, Reserch officer, Scientific research institute of agriculture of Crimea.