Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 635.21:531.532.2
GSNTI: 62.33.29

Improving menhods of cultivation seed potatoes in Kamchatka

The results of trials of rehabilitated mini-tubers produced by hydroponic technology. Determined the optimal time frame, producing a mini-tubers for hydroponic installation CD-10-influence of their productivity and the quality of the seed in the first field-NII generations. The efficiency of application of biologically active substances for a veprocessing of tubers and spraying the plants that contribute to increase the overall yield in the first field generation by an average of 26%, the seed - 24%. In the treatment of mini tubers and spraying Appin plant received the maximum yield of seed tubers per hectare and 142 147 thousand units, an increase of 23 and 27% higher than the control variant without treatment. The optimum area of nutrition mini-tubers at planting in the field, depending on their size, to maximize the yield of seed potatoes in the first field generation. The maximum yield was obtained when planting small tubers 15-20 mm in size with a planting density of 95 tys.sht / ha, the total yield was 24,5 t / ha seed potatoes - 10,9 t/ha, the yield of seed tubers per hectare - 227,3 thousand. pcs. Recommended 4-year scheme of cultivating elite using the mini- tubers in the first field generation, which provided an increase in the yield of the elite potatoes by 37 %, reducing the period of production for one year under the conditions of the Kamchatka region.
Keywords: выход семенных клубней, Potato mini-tubers terms of reception, Appin, Novosil, planting density, productivity, yield of seed tubers


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  1. Ryakhovskaya Nina Ivanovna, Doc. agricultural Science, Director, Kamchatka Research Institute of Agriculture.
  2. Gaynatulina Vera Vasilievna, Cand. agricultural Sciences, a leading scientific co-nick laboratory biotechnology field crops, Kamchatka Research Institute of Agriculture.