Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 58

UDC: 699.88
GSNTI: 67.11.35

Analysis of bearing strength, certain on norms of Russian Federation and Near-Eastern countries of suppliers, brace and strut of farms of coverage of hothouses of 3A type

The analysis of bearing strength of brace and strut of farms of hothouses coverage of type of 3A is considered, based on the norms of Russian Federation and Middle Eastern countries, suppliers of structural elements with the purpose of forming of attitude toward the use of different planning norms in introduction of buildings based on the norms of Middle East countries, on territory of Russian Federation. However, simple transfer of hothouses constructions made in foreign countries to Russia is not rational. Successive static, dynamic and seismic analyses, in attachment to the real sections of bearings structural elements, allowed exposition the below percents of the use of the examined constructions elements. Supporting brace of coverage farms: according to the standards of Russian Federation, the first limit state usage percentage is 999%; for the second limit state usage percentage is 999%; according to the norms of the Russian Federation taking into account loads the vendor first limit state usage percentage is 999%; for the second limit state usage percentage is 999%. The stretched brace of coverage farms: according to the standards of the Russian Federation, the first limit state usage percentage - 64,2 percent; for the second limit state usage percentage - 270,2%; according to the norms of the Russian Federation taking into account loads the vendor first limit state usage percentage was 25,8%; for the second limit state usage percentage - 721,8%. Central brace: - according to the standards of the Russian Federation, the first limit state usage percentage is 999%; for the second limit state usage percentage is 999%; according to the norms of the Russian Federation taking into account loads the vendor first limit state usage percentage - 692,5%; for the second limit state usage percentage is 999%. Analysis presented allows us to concluyde that when load case farms cover hothouses, load combinations, characteristic of the f location of hothouse of 3A type, their bearing capacity, and hence the structure as a whole is not ensured.
Keywords: Structural elements of hothouses, work of brace and strut of farms of coverage, comparison on bearing strength


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  1. Degtyarev Georgiy Vladimirovich, Graduate degree: Dr. Sc., Professor, Scientific rank: professor, manager by the department of the «Build production», Kuban State Agrarian University.
  2. Dac'o Dmitry Anatol'evich, undergraduate, Kuban State Agrarian University.