Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 97

UDC: 338.439
GSNTI: 83.31.27: 06.71.07

Statistical analysis of the state and prospects of the Russian confectionery market

The sanctions of 2014 and 2022 imposed by Western countries against the Russian Federation have a negative impact on many sectors of the economy, including the food industry. In this regard, we consider the purpose of the study to be relevant, which is to assess the state and prospects for the development of confectionery production in Russia. As scientific research methods, mathematical and statistical approaches were used, such as tabular, graphic, coefficient method and correlation-regression analysis. The application of these methods to statistical data sets yielded the following results: consideration of the retrospective dynamics of confectionery production indicates an increase in the indicator since 1996, but the covid crisis negatively affected the growth of the indicator, as a result of which a trend towards a decrease in production volumes was formed in 2021-2022. assessing the output of domestic ingredients for the production of confectionery products, such as flour and sugar, does not detect threats to the output of final products, while imports of palm oil and cocoa beans are unstable and largely depend on crop yields and world prices; in general, given the economic sanctions that make it difficult to import raw materials into Russia, it is possible to predict some difficulties in the production of confectionery products in the medium term. The results obtained will be useful for researchers in the development of Russian food products in the context of the crisis caused by Western economic sanctions.
Keywords: Confectionery, flour, sugar, palm oil, cocoa beans, dynamics, structure, threats.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-97-228-234


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  1. Tsypin Alexander Pavlovich, PhD in Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
  2. Bannikov Sergej Aleksandrovich, PhD in Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.