Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 102

UDC: 633.18:575.488.42
GSNTI: 34.15.25

Grain quality of rice varieties approved for use, grown in 2019-2021

The varietal composition of rice, which is in production in the Kuban, is the basis for obtaining sustainable harvests with high grain quality. The aim of the work is to study the quality characteristics of the rice varieties approved for use, common in the Kuban of the Rice Breeding Center: Apollon, Diamant, Victoria, Patriot, Rapan, Favorite, Prestige, Regul, Polevik. The variability of varieties according to technological quality characteristics in 2019-2021 was revealed. The best quality signs were characteristic of all varieties grain of the 2021 harvest: high grain size, low fracturing and high content of the whole kernel in the grain. Rice varieties are recognized as the best in terms of grain quality and low variability of technological signs of grain quality: Diamant, Polevik and Rapan.
Keywords: Rice, variety, grain quality, technological quality characteristics of grain, nutritional value, variability of varieties.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-102-203-207


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  1. Tumanyan Natal’ya Georgievna, DSc in Biology, professor, head of the laboratory, chief, FSBSI "Federal Rice Science Center".
  2. Chizhikova Svetlana Sergeyevna, PhD in Biology, senior researcher, FSBSI "Federal Rice Science Center".
  3. Garkusha Sergey Valentinovich, DSc in Agriculture, professor, RASc Corresponding Member, Acting Director, FSBSI "Federal Rice Science Center".
  4. Olkhovaya Knarik Karapetovna, junior researcher, FSBSI "Federal Rice Science Center".