Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2022, № 102

UDC: 619:835.2]636.2
GSNTI: 68.75.25, 68.75.85

Economic boundaries of agricultural production in independent organizations

Independent agricultural organizations, along with organizations integrated into agricultural holdings, are the main producers of most types of agricultural products in Russia. The processes of agro-industrial integration and economic concentration create specific and far from favorable conditions for independent organizations. The purpose of the study is to assess the prospects for the functioning of organizationally independent agricultural enterprises in the conditions of integrated structures active development. The object of the study was agricultural organizations of the Belgorod region. The prospects of agricultural production were assessed by analyzing the dynamics of the economic boundaries of the production of the main commodity types of output. The economic boundary of agricultural production refers to such a minimum level of crop yield or farm animals productivity, at which production becomes break-even. The general trend of deterioration of the economic conditions of agricultural production in independent organizations has been established. The main formal reason is the outstripping growth of variable costs in comparison to the increase in purchase prices for agricultural products. The worst economic conditions have developed in beet farming, since all sugar factories belong to large agricultural holdings that have formed raw material zones from subsidiaries. Traditionally, fattening of cattle remains a problem. Economic losses in this industry are compensated by income from the production and sale of raw milk. The pig and dairy cattle industries still have a significant "margin of safety". The actual level of pig weight gain and dairy productivity of cows in most independent agricultural organizations significantly exceed the threshold levels. An adequate response to the narrowing of economic boundaries is a set of measures to increase the economic efficiency of production and commercial activities, including management improvement, organization of on-farm products processing, industry structure rationalization.
Keywords: Agricultural products, economic boundaries of production, independent organizations, Belgorod region, margin analysis.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-102-13-18


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  1. Anichin Vladislav Leonidovich, DSc in Economics, professor, FSBEI HE "Belgorod State Agricultural University named after V. Gorin".
  2. Dorofeev Andrey Fedorovich, DSc in Economics, associate professor, FSBEI HE "Belgorod State Agricultural University named after V. Gorin".
  3. Yurchenko Yuri Nikolaevich, postgraduate, FSBEI HE "Belgorod State Agricultural University named after V. Gorin".