Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2020, № 82

UDC: 663.97(477.9)
GSNTI: 65.57.01

Potential of revival of production of aromatic tobacco raw materials in Crimea

Agrarian and Industrial Complex is one of the most important sectors of the Russian economy. It accounts for about 1/3 of gross domestic product, one quarter of fixed assets. A highly developed, efficiently operating agricultural complex is always the determining condition for the successful formation of the entire economic complex of the country. The article is aimed at the study of the developing a sustainable economy of tobacco production, which may become one of the main trends in the economy of the agricultural sector of Crimea. Based on the example of the Republic of Crimea, as a potential flagship region for the revival of tobacco production, the main organizational parameters of this agro-industrial sector of the economy of the tobacco industry of Crimea are considered and presented. Based on monitoring studies, it turns out that one of the main solutions to imincreasing the efficiency of the economy of the Republic of Crimea is the restoration and development of the tobacco industry, which previously had an important role in financially supporting the budget and the rational use of natural and material resources to improve the living standards of the settled territories - in the steppe, foothill and mountain zones of the peninsula. It should be noted that the state took an active part in the development of tobacco production, leading to the increase in the population employment and improvement in the social conditions of its residence. One of the solutions to improving the Republic of Crimea economy efficiency is the restoration and development of the tobacco industry of the peninsula, which in the past had an important role in financially supporting the budget and the rational use of natural and material resources to improve the living standards of the populated territories. Monitoring studies from a historical perspective reveal that tobacco growing in this region has existed for more than two centuries. Over the entire period of cultivation of tobacco, its culture has been important in agriculture, relying on the rational use of natural conditions - climate and soil, increasing the employment of the population.
Keywords: Crimean tobacco industry, revival of tobacco production, development of a recovery concept, prospects
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-82-24-29


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  1. Larkina Natalya Ivanovna, Leading Researcher, All-Russian Research Institute of Tobacco, Mahorka and Tobacco Products.
  2. Romanova Nadezhda Konstantinovna, Leading Researcher, All-Russian Research Institute of Tobacco, Mahorka and Tobacco Products.