Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 63

UDC: 664.64.022.39:51-74
GSNTI: 65.33.29

The method of calculation of the structure of flour mixtures for the production of enriched bakery products

The method of calculating the structure of flour mixtures for the production of enriched bakery products is suggested. The method includes models for calculating fractions of the components (number of components is unlimited) and the model for the analysis of the obtained solutions. The methodology includes justification of the problem statement of the calculation of the mixture in the form of the problem of stochastic programming in M-position. The types of constraints are determined: technological constraints associated with consumer preferences, limitations, providing the predetermined ratio of nutrients and the components of the mixture. Parts of the methodology are the models of analysis of the obtained solutions, allowing estimating the sensitivity of the solutions to the instability of physico-chemical properties and composition of the components, especially in regard to the enriching additives. The methodology involves the estimation of the optimal solution of the variation of the component characteristics of the mixture and the given probabilities of the restrictions limit, as well as definition of the dependencies between the values of the characteristics (technological and consumer) and the content of a specific nutrient. An example of the technique application to calculate three-component baking mixture is given: wheat flour of first grade, rye baker’s bread flour, enriching component, whole meal amaranth flour. The mixture composition was optimized as to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and dietary fibre on the level of functional purpose production while maintaining the traditional consumer bread properties. The relationship between gluten (technological characteristics) and content of nutrients: polyunsaturated fatty acids and dietary fibre is formalized. The technique can be used in the development of new technologies and formulations for the production of the enriched bakery products. Factors of instability accounting reduces the production risk, which is especially important for low powered companies and in the production of small batches of products.
Keywords: Wheat flour, rye flour, whole meal flour amaranth, flour mixture, enriched bakery products, method of calculation of the composition of the flour mixture
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-63-191-198


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  1. Shurshikova Galina Vladimirovna, PhD in techniqes, department of information technology and mathematical methods in economics, Emperor Peter I Voronezh State Agricultural University.
  2. Derkanosova N.M., Dr. of technical sciences; Department of commodity research and examination of goods, Emperor Peter I Voronezh State Agricultural University.
  3. Ponomaryova I.N., PhD in agriculture, associate professor; Department of commodity research and examination of goods, Emperor Peter I Voronezh State Agricultural University.
  4. Zolotaryova N.I., graduate; Department of commodity research and examination of goods, Emperor Peter I Voronezh State Agricultural University.
  5. Nekrasov Yury Vladimirovich, PhD in techniques, associate professor; Department of commodity research and examination of goods, Emperor Peter I Voronezh State Agricultural University.