Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 63

UDC: 631.52:633.1

Accelerating the process of selection in the artificial climate

The problem is the initial acceleration of the breeding process is particularly acute in the modern scientific world. The creation of new wheat varieties the process is very time-consuming and costly. Takes a lot of time and effort to get a variety that would meet the requirements for strong wheat. For all this we must study the huge amount of breeding material, but under natural conditions the whole process can drag on for an indefinite amount of time. Therefore, to accelerate the initial stages of the selection ladder required phytotron-greenhouse complex, to be able to get in the autumn-winter period of two to three generations of hybrid material. Bringing the population up to the third generation and received a sufficient amount of grain material in phytotrone-the greenhouse, in the field begins with the individual selection of promising lines. That is, within one calendar year due to the installation are able to reduce the period from hybridization to selection lines 4-5 years. In natural conditions this process may take up to 7 years or more depending on weather conditions, as the conditions do not always add up favorably. In variety-changing dynamics of modern work in artificial climate is the most promising. In our breeding and seed production of the agricultural Holding Kurgansemena successfully breeding work is carried out, starting with the study of the source material, carrying out hybridization, reproduction of the resulting hybrid material for the installation of an artificial climate, and then under the classical breeding scheme. In a relatively short period of operation of the phytotron is only 7 years old, has been multiplied over three thousand hybrid combinations and obtained each population during the rapid multiplication of from 140 to 220 grams of grain F3 generation. With the adjustable installation for a short period of creating a new variety of spring soft wheat, we were able to withdraw their entries in the competitive test and start their reproduction for transmission to state variety testing.
Keywords: Spring wheat, selection, installation of artificial climate, phytotron, hybridization
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-63-118-122


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  1. Fomina Irina Viktorovna, cand. St. agricultural sciences, department head selection, Limited liability company "Agrokomplex "Kurgansemena".
  2. Maramygina Liudmila Viktorovna, senior researcher, Limited liability company "Agrokomplex "Kurgansemena".
  3. Volokitina Claudia Aleksandrovna, research associate, Limited liability company "Agrokomplex "Kurgansemena".