Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 62

UDC: 631.8.633.853.52
GSNTI: 61.49.37/68.35.37

Melaphen preparation influence on growth processes and soya photosynthesis

The use of growth regulators in the technology of oybeancultivation is aimed at the increasing of the germination energy and germination ability of seeds, stimulation of plant growth in height and foliage, increase of photosynthetic activity of plants and increase of plant resistance to various stresses. The growth regulator Melaphen representing melamine salt of bis(hydroxymethyl) phosphinic acid was used for seed treatment before sowing (1•10-7% solution) and plants in the tillering stage(1•10-9% solution) separately and in jointly with the Rizotorfin preparation (1/2 dose and full dose). The object of research is soybean of Vilana variety. Studies have shown that in the variant with treatment of soybean seeds before sowing with a mixture of drugs (Risotorphine - full dose and the Melafen at a con-centration of 1•10-7%) and subsequent treatment of plants with Melafen at a concentration of 1•10-9% at tillering formed taller and leafy plants. In the specified embodiment, the observed maximum mass (wet and dry) of aboveground organs has been observed. As for the photosynthetic activity of soybean plants, it is weakened in the specified case due to the maximum expansion of leaf surface and of the mutual shading of the leaves. The most favorable conditions for photosynthesis - the basis for obtaining high yield - is created in the variant with seed treatment with a mixture of drugs Risotorphine (1/2 dose) and the Melafen (1•10-7% solution) followed by treatment of the plants with a solution of the drug the Melafen at a concentration of 1•10-9%, solution consumption 10 l/t of seed, 200 l/ha sowing. In the specified case highest productivity of leaves is observed as well as the pigments content in leaves and net productivity of photosynthesis.
Keywords: Soybeans, Melafen, growth, biomass, leaf apparatus, photosynеthesis
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-62-61-67


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  1. Barchukova Alla Yacovlevna, PhD in agriculture, associate professor, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.
  2. Сhernisheva Natalya Victorovna, PhD in biology, associate professor, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.
  3. Turichenco Alecsandr Nicolaevich, Graduate student, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.