Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 62

UDC: 621.35.035
GSNTI: 45.53.35

Electronic control of electroozonizer productivity

Ozone is widely applied in various fields of agriculture, industry, medicine. Ozone makes the required impact on objects of processing only in certain concentration; in high doses it represents toxic and dangerous gas. The use of ozone demands control over its concentration. At present there are no effective means of ozonizers’ productivity control and that is a constraining factor for their broad application. In ozone artificial production electrosynthesis has got the widest distribution. As a result of researches of different electric discharge types in gases for ozone electrosynthesis the greatest distribution was gained by the barrier category. In the barrier discharge oxygen is ionized, and then, as a result of chemical reactions, ozone is a formed. It is established that the amount of the formed ozone and quantity of ions in ozonic and air mixture are in a certain ratio. Having established such ratio, it is possible to define ozone concentration at the exit of ozonizer, defining quantity of in ozonic and air mixture charge. The obtained dependence between the charge increase speed on the sensor and productivity of an electroozonizer is used in the device controlling electroozonizer productivity. The device allows to disconnect electroozonizer automatically when the speed of charge increase, and, therefore, ozone concentration, will reach a preset value. This allows control of electroozonizer productivity and ozone concentration. The device is suggested realizing the specified technology of electroozonizer productivity regulation
Keywords: Ozone, ozone air mix, ion-ozonic mix, ozonizer
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-62-183-186


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  1. Strizhkov Igor Grigoryevich, Dr.of techn. Sciences., professor of department of electrical machines and electric drive, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.
  2. Raznovan Olga Nikiforovna, Candidate of technical Sciences, associate professor of physics, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.