Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 58

UDC: 636.3.053
GSNTI: 68.39.31

Reproductive ability of black-and-white breed cows of different origin

A comparative study of reproductive ability has been done on black-and-white cows of different origin. First-calf heifers of the Ural type were inseminated at the age of 549 days (18,3 months) and had the live weight of 379 kg. The same age cows of German Black-and-white breed were inseminated 25 days later at the live weight of 385 kg. Black-and-white first-calf heifers of domestic origin calved down at the age of 27,6 months (828 days), it is 27 days earlier than the same age German black-and-white heifers. The experimental animals at first calving were significantly superior to the first group by 54 kg (Р0.001) in live weight. Lactation in cows of German Black-and-white breed was 33 days (P0,01) longer than in the animals of the Ural type. Service period of the control group was 93 days, in the experimental group - 128 days. As a result of analysis of variance it was found that the effect of the origin on the duration of the service period had a highly and reliable value (η=0,26 or 26,0%, P0,01). The difference between the groups in duration of the period in calf was only 2 days. From black-and-white cows of the Ural type there 97 calves per 100 cows were received, which is 8% (P0,01) higher than that of animals of the German black-and-white breed. Heifers in the control group were inseminated more effectively. The animals of the Ural origin (49 days) had more optimal average term to come in season after calving, although the rate of fertilization of the first insemination was higher in cows of German selection (33,3%).
Keywords: Black-and-white cattle, cows, origin, insemination, fertilization rate, service period, calves output


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  1. Gorkovenko Leonid Grigorievich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Director, North Caucasus Research Institute of Animal Husbandry.
  2. Leshchuk Aleksei Gennad'evich, PhD in agricultural, senior researcher of the Department of animal husbandry technology, North Caucasus Research Institute of Animal Husbandry.
  3. Shcherbatov Vyacheslav Ivanovich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, head of the Department of animal breeding and zootechnologies, Kuban State Agrarian University.