Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 109

UDC: 633.12:633.171.631 (470.60)
GSNTI: 68.35.20

Ways to increase cereals yield and grain quality in the foothill zone of Kabardino-Balkaria

Cereals occupy a special place in human nutrition. If flour is used for the production of bakery or flour confectionery products, then cereals are a product for cooking. Cereal crops play a strategic role in people's lives and for the country as a whole, since cereals are considered irreplaceable in their importance as a food product. They are transportable, retain their nutritional and taste properties well and for a long time. Buckwheat and millet stand out as the most demanded in our country among cereal crops. The increase in these crops productivity and grain quality will largely meet the needs of the population in cereal products. According to their biological characteristics, buckwheat and millet differ significantly from other cereals. Therefore, the development and improvement of technology techniques that ensure an increase in productivity, yield and quality of cereals will make it possible to significantly reduce the costs of their production, having a significant profit. In particular, the use of plant growth regulators, methods and seeding rates, as one of the techniques of technology in a specific growing area, will help to increase the yield and technological properties of grain, which is very important for the cereal industr.
Keywords: Buckwheat, millet, plant growth regulators, rate and method of sowing, yield, grain quality, cereals.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-109-95-99


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  1. Khatsukov Khasan Anzorovich, master's student, FSBEI HE Kabardino-Balkarian SAU named after V.M. Kokov.
  2. Knyazev Boris Muzakirovich, DSc in Agriculture, professor, FSBEI HE Kabardino-Balkarian SAU named after V.M. Kokov.