Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 109

UDC: 633.15
GSNTI: 68.35.49

Potato varieties productivity using foler feeding in cultivation technology under the conditions of the CRNZ RF

Currently, the reaction of potato varieties to the use of foliar feeding with various preparations has not been sufficiently identified, in particular with microelements complexonates. The work examines the influence of biological products, complex fertilizers, complexonates of microelements (Zn and Cu), used in the form of foliar fertilizers on the productivity of different potato varieties. The experiment was carried out in the Tver region on soddy-medium podzolic, light loamy, well-cultivated soil. 4 varieties were studied (Colomba, Koroleva Anna, Red Scarlett, Gala) and 6 options for foliar feeding: control (water treatment) and treatment with Zircon (30 ml/ha), Epin-Extra (15 ml/ha), Folirus Premium (7 l/ha), Aquamix (220 g/ha), a mixture of aqueous solutions of complexonates Zn-EDDAC (concentration 0.933 g/l) + Cu-EDDAC (concentration 0.933 g/l). It was revealed that in all years the choice of variety had the greatest influence on the yield (47.3-86.2%), the preparation had a lesser influence (3.5-25.5%). The Gala variety had the highest tuber yield (30.7 t/ha), which was 3.6 t/ha (13.3%) more than the Colomba variety. The greatest increase in yield was provided by foliar feeding with the growth regulator Zircon and a mixture of Zn-EDDAC + Cu-EDDAC complexonates, which on average for varieties amounted to 4.3 - 4.4 t/ha (17.7-18.1%). The most cost-effective technology option is the cultivation of potatoes of the Gala variety using foliar feeding with the Zircon preparation and a mixture of Zn + Cu complexonates EDDAC, which ensured the receipt of 367.487 and 367.938 thousand rubles per hectare conditionally net income with a profitability level of 132.9 and 133.3% and the cost of 1 centner of tubers is 858.736 and 857.336 rubles. Similar economic efficiency indicators were obtained in the same variants of foliar feeding with the Red Scarlett variety.
Keywords: Potatoes, varieties, yield, crop structure, tubers, crop quality.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-109-88-94


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  1. Usanova Zoya Ivanovna, DSc in Agriculture, professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tver State Agricultural Academy".
  2. Migulev Sergei Pavlovich, graduate student, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tver State Agricultural Academy".
  3. Pavlov Maxim Nikolaevich, PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tver State Agricultural Academy".