Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 109

UDC: 633.12:606:577.13
GSNTI: 68.03.03

Heavy metals influence on buckwheat survivability and rutin biosynthesis in vitro

Common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) is a stress resistant and flexible crop with great potential for genetic improvement. It actively produces flavonoid compounds, including rutin, especially when stressed. Buckwheat tissue culture is widely used as a source of secondary metabolites. Our research goal was to study how zinc toxic doses influenced common buckwheat survivability and rutin biosynthesis in plantlets in vitro. The experiment was conducted on aseptic single-node cuttings (two-three lower internodes) of plants, which had been obtained by culturing on an MS medium, and of genotypes resistant to CuSO4 ½ 5H2O (161 and 184 mg/l). The cuttings were cultivated on selective media containing ZnSO4 ½ 7 H2O in the quantity of 808, 909, 1010, 1111, 1212 and 1313 mg/l for 21 days. Their morphological characteristics and survival rate were evaluated. The selective media with highly toxic doses of copper (161 and 184 mg/l) and zinc salts (808-1313 mg/l) activated the immune mechanisms of the studied plants in vitro and increased the survival rate of the plantlets (55-100%). The genotypes that were obtained by consecutively using selective factors (copper and zinc) were characterized by high values of morphological characteristics and a high survival rate (97.5-100%). Cultivating the plantlets on the selective media with zinc accelerated the biosynthesis of rutin, which continued at the following stages of the micropropagation. The highest rutin content was detected when subculturing the specimens obtained as a result of a complex stress, i.e. consecutive exposure to copper and zinc (copper 161 mg/l + zinc; copper 184 mg/l + zinc). The rutin content was 35.6 and 32.2 mg/g, respectively, which exceeded the content in the plants obtained after exposure only to zinc (28.7 mg/g) by 1.12-1.24 times. The group “copper 161 mg/l + zinc” was noted to have the highest accumulation rate of rutin: 75% of the plants from the group contained 38.2 mg of rutin per gram, 25% of the plants - 32.1 mg/g.
Keywords: Fagopyrum esculentum, selective media, heavy metals, morphological characteristics, survivability, rutin, in vitro.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-109-31-38


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  1. Borovaya Svetlana Aleksandrovna, postgraduate, researcher, FSBSI "FSC of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaiki".
  2. Klykov Aleksey Grigor'yevich, DSc in Biology, academician of the RAS, FSBSI "FSC of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaiki".
  3. Chaikina Elena Leonidovna, researcher, Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after G.B. Вelyakov FEB RAS.