Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 108

UDC: 332.14
GSNTI: 06.52.41

Digital platforms introduction by Russian sunflower seed producers

In the context of global competition and growing demand for vegetable oils, analysis of the sunflower seed market in Russia becomes relevant for the food industry and exports. Sunflower is a key oilseed crop in Russia, production of which depends on many factors, including climate, legislation and economic sanctions. The analysis carried out in the work allows us to assess the state of the industry, development trends, and the main players in the market. The results of the analysis are important for manufacturers to adapt to changing market conditions and strengthen their competitiveness, and they can also be used by government agencies to adjust policies, manufacturers for strategic planning and investors to assess the attractiveness of the industry. One of the main advantages of digital platforms is the ability to collect and analyze large amounts of data. Russian sunflower seed producers will be able to use these data in the future to make informed management decisions, optimize production processes and increase yields. The introduction of such technologies will not only attract new customers, but also optimize production processes, including improvement the product quality, controlling the production chain and improving communication with corporate clients. Increasing the informatization level of the companies producing domestic agricultural products is becoming a necessity for successful development and competitiveness in the modern market environment. An assessment of the digital platforms use for selling the sunflower seed producers products is necessary to identify current trends, problems and prospects in this area.
Keywords: Digital platform, sunflower, acreage, seed producers, site evaluation, digitalization.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-108-40-45


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  1. Kumratova Alphira Menligulovna, PhD in Economics, assistant professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  2. Radchenko Maria Viktorovna, PhD in Economics, assistant professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.
  3. Demchenko Dmitry Alekseevich, undergraduate student, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.