Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 108

UDC: 331.2
GSNTI: 06.77.77

Differentiation assessment of the agricultural workers remuneration level

Increasing the wages level in the agricultural sector of the economy remains one of the urgent tasks in achieving the national goals on the state and realizing the rights of industry workers to fair and decent wages. Significant territorial and intra-regional wages differentiation only aggravates social tension in rural areas. The article presents a comparative analysis of the agricultural workers wages level in the regions of the Volga Federal District. It was determined that out of the Volga Federal District14 subjects, only two have wage levels in agriculture higher than the average for the regional economy. Using the example of the Saratov region, an assessment was made of the territorial differentiation of workers' wages for 19 types of economic activity, which showed that the region's agriculture over the period under study improved its rating by 6 positions and ranks 10th in this indicator. In order to identify factors influencing the level farmers’ wages level, an assessment was made of its intra-industry differentiation by the workers categories in agricultural organizations, natural and climatic microzones and municipal districts of the region. The inter-district range of average monthly wages is 2.2 times. It was revealed that the lowest paid category of workers in the agricultural sector of the region are horse breeders, whose average monthly salary in 2022 was 24.4 thousand rubles, which is 60.5% of the industry average. Using the grouping method, leaders and outsiders were identified among the municipal districts of the region based on the average agricultural workers’ monthly wage.
Keywords: Wages, agriculture, agricultural sector, employee, differentiation, wages, average nominal wage.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-108-32-39


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  1. Konstantin Pavlovich Kolotyrin, DSc in Economics, professor, FSBEI HE ”Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov”.
  2. Nayanov Alexander Vyacheslavovich, PhD in Economics, associate professor, FSBEI HE ”Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov”.
  3. Sidelnikova Margarita Vladimirovna, PhD in Economics, junior researcher, FSBEI HE ”Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov”.
  4. Borodastova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, junior researcher, FSBEI HE ”Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov”.