Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 108

UDC: 633.16.631.559
GSNTI: 08.35.29

Winter barley cultivation technology influence on the productivity elements and grain yield formation in the unstable irrigation zone of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

The creation of optimal conditions for winter barley plants contributes to the formation of grain with high technological properties, which is very important for the brewing and cereal industry. The selection of barley varieties, the determination of optimal doses of mineral fertilizers and the huskiness of plants provide an increase in yield by 10-15%. The grain obtained in such conditions is an excellent raw material for the production of pearl barley and high-quality malt used for the brewing industry. Cereals obtained from grains grown under optimal conditions are characterized by high taste and nutritional properties. Malt extractivity also increases, it is expressed by higher indicators and the beer produced is distinguished by its specific advantages. Each hectare of barley sowing can yield at least 4-5 tons of grain, that is, about 3-4 tons of malt or more than 12-15 thousand liters of beer. The production of cereals or beer significantly reduces the production unit cost increasing its profitability.
Keywords: Barley, fertilizer, yield, cereals, malt, beer.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-108-126-129


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  1. Khatsukov Hasan Anzorovich, master's student, FSBEI HE "Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University".
  2. Knyazev Boris Muzakirovich, DSc in Agriculture, professor, FSBEI HE "Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University".