Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 107

UDC: 631.417.1+631.417.2(470.57)
GSNTI: 68.05.29

Deposition of organic carbon in the soils of agricultural lands

This research was performed within the state assignment framework of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation "Program for the creation and functioning of a carbon polygons on the territory Bashkortostan Republic "Eurasian carbon polygon" for 2022-2023 (Publication num-ber: FEUR-2022-0001). Soil organic carbon, being the main component of the Earth's carbon stock, plays a vital role in the global carbon cycle and is a potential carbon dioxide sink. Farming methods and technologies can promote carbon sequestration and therefore offer potential carbon sequestration strategies while improving potential soil fertility. The accumulation of carbon in the soil is a vital function resulting from the interaction of ecological processes. Human activity affecting these processes can lead to carbon loss or, conversely, its accumulation. The article presents the materials of the analysis of literary sources on the subject of carbon farming, as well as the content of organic matter in the soils of agricultural lands of the southern forest-steppe of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the conditions of the Dmitrievsky Village Council of the Ufa district of the Republic of Belarus (Russian Federation). The purpose of this study is to analyze carbon reserves in the humus-accumulative soil horizon of the Dmitrievsky Village Council of the Ufa district, where the carbon landfill is located on agricultural land. An agrochemical analysis of the accumulation of soil organic matter was carried out, the capacity of the humus horizon for each type of soil was determined. Carbon reserves in the studied soils were determined according to the methodology for quantifying greenhouse gas emissions and greenhouse gas uptake [Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation No. 371 dated 05/27/2022, Methodological Guidelines for quantifying the volume of greenhouse gas uptake were approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation No. 20-r dated 30.06.2017]. The carbon content in the organic matter of soils is assumed to be equal to 58%. The conversion to the soil carbon stock was carried out taking into account the volume mass of the soil (g/cm3). The total reserves of organic carbon are calculated taking into account the areas occupied by individual varieties of soils. The total reserve of organic carbon in the humus-accumulative horizon of the studied area is 4616360 tons. It is shown that the largest contribution to the reserves of organic carbon is made by chernozem soils.
Keywords: Soil organic carbon, humus, soil, carbon sequestration.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-107-174-182


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  1. Mirsayapov Ramil Rubisovich, PhD in Agriculture, senior researcher, FSBEI HE" Ufa State Petroleum Technological University".
  2. Asylbaev Ilgiz Gallyamovich, DSc in Biology, professor, senior researcher, FSBEI HE" Ufa State Petroleum Technological University".