Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 107

UDC: 633.853.52(470.65)
GSNTI: 06.00.00

Symbiotic activity of soybean crops depending on mineral fertilizers application

The purpose of our research was to study the effect of mineral fertilizers on the characteristics of the new promising soybean varieties production process, the symbiotic apparatus size and activity in the foothill zone of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Methods. Our research was carried out in the foothill zone of the Republic, on the experimental fields of the North Caucasus Scientific Research Institute of Mountain Foothill Agriculture of the All-Russian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The soils of this zone are represented by leached chernozems, where the arable layer contains from 3 to 4.4% humus. Down the profile, its amount decreases gradually, the pH is 5.1-5.7, deeper alkaline. Results. It was found that the use of mineral fertilizers increased the number and average nodule weight; when applying phosphorus mineral fertilizer, better development of the symbiotic apparatus was observed, when the nodules number on one plant was 76.2 pieces and the weight was 70.7 mg. The average ASP for the studied years for the soybean variety Iriston in the control variant was 5425 units, and with the introduction of phosphorus mineral fertilizers (P60) it was within the range of 11890 units. For the Vita variety, similar indicators developed and amounted to 3800 units in the control, with the application of P60 - 7816 units, 4016 units more (with the application of phosphorus fertilizers). Nitrogen consumption under control for the Iriston variety was 92.5 kg/ha, with the use of phosphorus fertilizer (P60) - 131.3 kg/ha. Biological productivity also increased with the use of phosphorus fertilizers for the Iriston variety by 0.57 t/ha, and for the Vita soybean variety by 0.54 t/ha.
Keywords: Soy, mineral fertilizers, symbiotic potential, specific activity of symbiosis, nodul.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-107-149-155


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  1. Tedeeva Victoria Vitalievna, PhD in Agriculture, senior researcher, The North Caucasian Research Institute of Mountain and Piedmont Agriculture - the Affiliate of "Vladikavkaz Scientific Centere of the Russian Academy of Sciences".
  2. Abaev Alan Anzorovich, DSc in Agriculture, FSBEI HE "Mountain State Agrarian University".
  3. Tedeeva Albina Akhurbekovna, PhD in Biology, senior researcher, The North Caucasian Research Institute of Mountain and Piedmont Agriculture - the Affiliate of "Vladikavkaz Scientific Centere of the Russian Academy of Sciences".