Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 107

UDC: 634.21:631.527 (470.32)
GSNTI: 68.03.03

Yield evaluation of graft-rootstock aple tree combinations in intensive plantations using digital technologies

The productivity of fruit crops largely depends on the influence of natural environmental factors, primarily climatic ones. The change in the temperature regime in the region complicates the passage of phenological phases by fruit plants, which are crucial for the optimal development and fruiting of plants. The yield of graft-rootstock combinations (GRC) of apple trees is determined, first of all, by the varieties and rootstocks biopotential. The study and identification of highly adaptive, that is, the most adapted to changes in environmental conditions of the GRC, involves the analysis of a large volume of experimental and meteorological data, which requires modern digital technologies use. Scientific research in the field of agricultural digitalization is conducted by scientists from different countries in different areas, including monitoring the state of plants and the environment. The aim of the research was to identify correlations between the studied yield characteristics of various apple tree GRC and the daily air temperature (maximum, average and minimum) over the years of research using automated system-cognitive analysis (ASС- analysis). The method provides for grouping large amounts of the analyzed indicators data into classes and searching for correlations between them based on calculated cognitive functions displayed in the form of diagrams, where the abscissa and ordinate axes are divided into three yield indicators classes of various apple tree GRC and daily air temperature indicators (average, maximum, minimum). It is shown that there is significant apple trees variability in the yield depending on the conditions of the year and the rootstock genotype. The diagrams show the dependence of high yields of Prikubanskoye trees on dwarf rootstocks of SK 7, K 1, M 9 on average daily and maximum temperatures. It has been found that the use of ASC-analysis is very effective in analyzing a large amount of data and identifying the correlation between yield and temperature parameters. Taking into account the coincidence of the plants biological requirements to the optimal temperature regime parameters and the actual specific cultivation areas conditions will allow us to design highly productive apple plantations.
Keywords: Аpple tree, graft-rootstock combinations, yield, weather conditions, digital technologies, automated system-cognitive analysis.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-107-103-109


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  1. Kuznetsova Anna Pavlovna, PhD in Biology, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making".
  2. Efimova Irina Lvovna, , Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making".
  3. Lutsenko Eugene Veniaminovich, DSc in Economics, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.