Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 106

UDC: 631.527.21:633.111
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Creation of wheat leaf rust resistance donors by pyramiding genes for CRNZ conditions

The development of wheat varieties with polygenic resistance has been called "gene pyramiding". This labor-intensive and time-consuming process is now greatly simplified by the development of molecular markers that allow relatively rapid identification of the presence of the target gene. This article presents the stage of work on obtaining digenic donors of resistance to brown rust at the Department of Genetics, Breeding and Seed Production of the K.A. Timiryazev Russian State Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev. Identification of the desired genotypes was carried out using molecular markers at the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology. The aim of this work was to obtain genotypes of spring wheat based on the variety Ivolga, containing 2 genes of resistance to brown wheat rust each, in the conditions of the Central region of the Non-Chernozem zone. Genes relevant for the zone were identified from literature sources (Lr 9, Lr 11, Lr 12, Lr 13, Lr 15, Lr 19, Lr 24, Lr 25, Lr 28, Lr 29, Lr 37, Lr 38, Lr 44, Lr 45). The gene donors were isogenic lines of Thatcher cultivar with different Lr genes. The condition for gene matching was their independent inheritance. Evaluation of line resistance to the disease was carried out according to the methodology of the state variety trial. DNA was isolated by STAB method. Gene identification was carried out using polymerase chain reaction. As a result, lines with dominant Lr genes in homozygous (Lr9, Lr12, Lr13, Lr15, Lr37, Lr38) and partially heterozygous state (Lr 19, Lr25 and Lr45) were isolated. Most lines are highly resistant on natural infection background, two are immune (Lr29 and Lr44). Fourteen F hybrids were obtained from crosses with the variety Ivolga. On their basis, 10 hybrid combinations with two different combinations of dominant resistance genes were obtained (Lr11+Lr13; Lr9+Lr12; Lr19+Lr37; Lr24+Lr9; Lr25+Lr29; Lr28+Lr38; Lr29+Lr44; Lr37+Lr44; Lr13+Lr15; Lr13+Lr38). Work in progress.
Keywords: Wheat leaf rust, dominant Lr genes, resistance donors, molecular markers, gene pyramiding, wheat varieties.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-106-304-313


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  1. Rubets Valentina Sergeevna, DSc in Biology, professor, FSBEI HE “Russian State Agrarian University - K.A. Timiryazev MAA”.
  2. Lappo Anastasia Andreevna, master student, FSBEI HE “Russian State Agrarian University - K.A. Timiryazev MAA”.
  3. Shilova Ksenia Olegovna, master student, FSBEI HE “Russian State Agrarian University - K.A. Timiryazev MAA”.
  4. Divashuk Mikhail Georgievich, PhD in Biology, All-Russia Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology.
  5. Chernook Anastasia Gennadievna, Junior Researcher, postgraduate student, All-Russia Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology.