Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2023, № 105

UDC: 631.524.86
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Evaluation of potato breeding samples based on signs of precocity, productivity, consumer qualities, resistance to diseases

The article presents the results of breeding work on the creation of precocious highly productive interspecific potato hybrids. The research was carried out in 2019-2021 on the experimental fields of the Leningrad Research Institute "Belogorka" branch of the A.G. Lorkh Federal State Budgetary Research Institute of Potato FITZ. The purpose of the research was to study new potato genotypes by precocity and other economically valuable traits for use as a starting material in practical breeding and also for transfer to State testing. In the course of the tasks set, a promising potato breeding material was identified and studied, which formed the yield of commercial tubers on the 45th day after germination at the level of 14.2-18.0 t/ha with an average mass of a commercial tuber of 50-70 g (2019), in 2020, respectively, 15.5-21.8 t/ha and 56-76 g., in 2021 - 11.4-24.2 t/ha and 50-67 g. Genotypes with intensive harvest accumulation (7.0-13.0 t/ha) for a relatively short period (10 days) were established: 2303/13, 211/1, 113/3. Interspecific hybrids with a complex of economically valuable traits that surpass the foreign standard (Red Scarlett) in productivity at different harvest times (814/2, 113/3), as well as in dry matter content (211/1, 2303/13) and resistance to late blight of tops and tubers, rhizoctoniosis and bacterial rot were identified. According to the results of the conducted research, hybrids 211/1, 113/3 are being prepared for transfer to the State variety testing.
Keywords: Potatoes, precocity, stability ability.
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-105-55-59


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  1. Evdokimova Zinaida Zakharovna, PhD in Agriculture, leading researcher, Leningrad Research Institute "Belogorka" - branch of the FSBI "FITZ potato named after A.G. Lorkh".
  2. Kalashnik Marina Vladimirovna, researcher, Leningrad Research Institute "Belogorka" - branch of the FSBI "FITZ potato named after A.G. Lorkh".